UPDATED: New Mexico Pot Legalization Team Meets


The New Mexico Pot Legalization Team took more steps yesterday ABQ JOURNAL POT PUSH UPDATE

Pot heads and Drunk Drivers!!!!??? Don’t forget the Governor’s push for abortion! The Ten Commandments are a thing of the past for many I guess, including some Churches! Remember when the Ten Commandments where posted in most every Church and even in some schools? This world we live in makes me feel so old….. The Ten Commandments

Marcie May  Is there a team is there a group that has been formed to push against this? Yes we need to pray but we need to have people that are vocal and pushing against us up in her office. People you need to be calling her office! And call your representatives and your senators. We cannot sit back and expect them to do what we want. I’m working in about 3 different fronts right now. We need to get off our little cushy Christian pews and start counteracting this. Really what we should be doing is leading the Forefront demanding drug-free areas for our kids!
We need to be telling this Governor that she has conflicts of interest!
Deb haaland is wanting to use tax revenues from pot to go to the schools! What could possibly go wrong?!? Pastors need to be on the bull horn with this! But comfy pulpits make fat and happy pastors.
We are in this state because the church is been complacent. And now they are just going crazy with all this junk. Find one or two areas and start pushing back and get your friends and your neighbors and those at church and start pushing back. And yes pray. But this is work and it is hard work. And it’s not going to get any easier.
The sluggard says there is a lion in the street and does nothing. We need to stop just talking about the lion in the street. We need some men and women of God to stand up and deal with the lion.

From the writings of Billy Graham:

The Scripture teaches that popularity with the world means death. Satan’s most effective tool is conformity and compromise. He is aware that one man standing in the midst of a secular people can move them in the direction of God, or away from Him. From compromise to deceit is a small step.

God’s people are called to live for Him without compromise. It matters not whether they have high or lowly positions. We are to be faithful to God’s Word no matter where we find ourselves. We are to renounce the evil influence of the world, the flesh, and the devil. There can be no parleying, bargaining, compromise, or hesitation. “Follow the instructions of the Lord … do not compromise with evil” (Psalm 119:1, 3, NLT).

From Dr. Jim Denison:

Let’s close with more good news: when we choose to obey our Father’s call and word, we position ourselves to be empowered and transformed by his omnipotent love.

Oswald Chambers: “It really is true to say, ‘I cannot live a holy life,’ but you can decide to let Jesus Christ make you holy. ‘You cannot serve the Lord . . .’—but you can place yourself in the proper position where God’s almighty power will flow through you.”

In fact, it is essential that we admit we cannot live for God in our strength: “The person who is still relying and trusting in anything within himself is the last person to even come close to saying, ‘I will serve the Lord.’”

Here’s the question, according to Chambers: “Do I really dare to let God be to me all that He says He will be?”

Do you?

Past Posts:

I beleive State Senator Richard Martinez should resign. We are praying for his healing and those that were injured in the auto accident. Sad to report that Martinez has not even issued an apology. Facts are facts.


 New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham says no one is above the law and that elected officials should be held to a higher standard.

She made the comments during a news conference Tuesday when asked whether state Sen. Richard Martinez’s constituents would be better served if he resigned.


My post from yesterday:

The 2020 New Mexico legislative session will make the 2019 session look like a Church picnic! The Governor has called out the Democrats who voted against the abortion Bill, HB-51, she scolded them, she has a full push on to allow abortions up to full term, no restrictions, a New York type of law. The Governor also wants to legalize pot.

Here is the latest update on Governor Lujan Grisham’s push to legalize pot! KOB TV UPDATE

As I have said legalizing pot is all we need in this state! Just ask Denver! We have enough of a problem with drunk driving in this state! So, we are going to have pot heads driving and killing?

From Dr. Jim Denison:

Our post-Christian, secular culture knows little of choosing God’s way over our way. As a result, those who decide to live for eternity today are “children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life” (Philippians 2:15–16).

Recall C. S. Lewis’s famous observation: “Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth ‘thrown in’: aim at Earth and you will get neither.”

For which will you aim today?


Titus 2:7

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity,

1 Timothy 4:12

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

1 Corinthians 11:1

Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

What we do need is leaders in this state to stop their drinking and behaving badly and thinking they are above the law! Remember Governor Martinez’s pizza party????? State Senator Richard Martinez is one who appears to think he is above the law after being arrested for drunk driving! We need role models!

Video of Senator Richard Martinez pleading with Police

This makes the push to legalize marijuana by the Governor even more serious, we cannot have pot heads stoned to the hills driving in this state, drunk driving is enough of a big problem in New Mexico! Another thing that bothers me greatly is that Martinez seems not to care about the people injured in the accident! ENOUGH NEW MEXICO! If you want to be a great state…act like one!

We are praying for Senator Martinez and those involved in the accident. Lord we pray for healing for all! In Jesus name, Amen!

This is a post I did a year ago, June 2018……..

I wanted to share this with you today, it is a guest column in the ABQ Journal this morning. I am very concerned where this movement of POT is going,”The Country is going to Pot”. In Colorado “Gas and Grass” stores have opened up in communities.

Read the guest column in the ABQ Journal Here ABQ Journal Report

Opinion: Pot is dangerous, not funny — a doctor tells us why
Fox News

No matter how much fun using marijuana looks like on TV or how many people tell you it’s harmless, remember one thing: unless you have certain medical conditions where the drug may be beneficial, you are better off without it. Read the full story

We all should be concerned where our Country is going……it is headed in the wrong direction….so much division, so much anger, moving away from Biblical principles. Our only true HOPE is in JESUS, not politics. Politics just keeps dividing the nation.

JESUS is our only hope.

Pray for America.

So many need JESUS, so many are looking in all the wrong places to find HOPE, JOY and PEACE.

True HOPE, JOY and PEACE are not found in drugs or politics, yes, if your not careful politics will be like a drug to you, you will lose focus on God.ABQ JOURNAL POT PUSH UPDATE

Ungodly legislation is a top priority at the Roundhouse! Abortion and Pot!!!

The New Mexico Pot Legalization has met

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