Iranian Case Highlights Persecution of Christians



Headlines from Jerusalem, 17 July 2019

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” Romans 1:16


Iranian Case Highlights Persecution of Christians

The website Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reported recently that a young Christian woman in Iran had been arrested for improperly wearing her hijab by the police officers she had attempted to seek help from after being assaulted on a bus by a Moslem woman. Analysts have noted an uptick in such incidents across Iran as the Islamic regime which rules the country has encouraged ordinary citizens to confront other ordinary citizens who do not appear to be obeying the strict dress codes and other Islamic customs which the regime demands.


Iranian Minister Visits Syria to Threaten Israel

Reports emerged on Tuesday that Syrian President Bashar Assad hosted Special Assistant of the Speaker of Iran’s Shura Council for Political Affairs Hussein Amir Abdullahian in Damascus on Tuesday. Abdullahian was quoted by the press as telling his host that “the occupying regime of Israel as a destabilizer cancer and the root cause of insecurity and instability in the region. The Zionists do not have a future in the region.” Also on Tuesday, it was reported that the Iranian-backed Lebanese Shi’ite terror militia Hezbollah has redeployed some of its forces in Syria to the Lebanese border area, concentrating Hezbollah’s combat power in close proximity to the Golan Heights.

Turkey Ejected from F-35 Program

The decision by Turkey to buy and deploy the Russian-built S-400 air defense system has led to US President Donald Trump reluctantly agreeing to discontinue Turkey’s participation in the F-35 program, with Trump telling reporters on Tuesday that because of the Obama Administration’s refusal to sell Turkey the Patriot air-defense system “we have a situation where Turkey is very good with us, very good, and we are now telling Turkey that because you have really been forced to buy another missile system, we’re not going to sell you the F-35 fighter jets. It’s a very tough situation that they’re in, and it’s a very tough situation that we’ve been placed in, the United States.”

PA Demands investigation of Security Prisoners Death

The Palestinian Authority is demanding an international investigation into the death of 31-year old Nassar Taqatqa, a security prisoner who was found dead in his cell in Nitzan Prison on Tuesday morning. The Prison Service said that Taqatqa, who was arrested in June and is suspected of being affiliated with the Islamist terror militia Hamas, underwent a medical examination at a hospital in Afula recently and that the check up had not revealed any impending medical problems.

Reports Shows HIV Increase in Israel

The Israeli Ministry of Health’s Department of Tuberculosis and AIDS published its report for 2018 this week showing, among other things, that there was an increase last year in the number of Israelis carrying the HIV virus, from 115 to 142. The report did not include statistics on tourists or residents of the Palestinian Authority administered areas diagnosed with HIV.


Turkey Again Looks Eastward
Oded Eran, Gallia Lindenstrauss, INSS

Israel has a complex array of considerations in the face of the strategic changes in Turkey’s orientation. A Turkish pivot eastward is a tectonic shift that is liable to work to the serious detriment of Israeli strategic interests in various realms such as energy, civil aviation, and trade. Israel would do well to give thought to these issues, as well as to the possibility of a bolstered Chinese or Russian presence in the Eastern Mediterranean.


CSIS Report; Russia Cooperating with Iran in Syria

The Trump administration has expressed significant concern about Iran’s nuclear ambitions, its missile program, and the activities of the IRGC-QF and its partner forces in the Middle East. One of the countries where Iran has been most active is Syria, where Tehran has increased its military presence to aid the Assad regime; supported Lebanese Hezbollah, which has been directly involved in the Syrian ground war; and expanded the number of rockets and missiles in the country to establish a second front (along with Lebanon) in a future war with Israel.


ICEJ Report – Jewish Summer Camps Helps Promote Aliyah

With an increase in reports of growing anti-Semitism around the world, including Western countries, the desire of many Jewish people to come home to their ancestral homeland is also growing. One of the Aliyah-related projects we’re most excited about is a series of summer camps for Jewish youth from the former Soviet Union countries that we’re helping to sponsor in Finland, Belarus and the Baltic states.
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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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