Delay Or Destiny? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Delay Or Destiny?

Good morning beautiful people. I share this story often as it really taught me a lesson on perception. I was trying on frames for glasses that had a cracked lens as I was waiting for a friend to try on her frames at Eye Mart. I had already purchased my glasses but had stopped there as she wanted to check out the sale. To pick up my new glasses around the corner was our next stop. Somehow, as I was trying on frames too, my cracked lens glasses got put on the shelf. As I was backing out of the parking lot, I looked in my rear view mirror and yelled “oh no, I have the wrong glasses on”. We went back in and located my old pair.

As I was backing out of the parking lot the second time, I saw a car slowly going backwards. It was headed down over the embankment next to a highway. My friend jumped out to help the elderly couple. The driver got in with me and she was a bit shaken to say the least. She said you must have seen me. I put my arm up like this (in the air) and pulled down like this and yelled help me Jesus. I must admit I didn’t see her. I prayed with her and got her calmed down as my friend got their car headed in the right direction. It had stalled out and the elderly woman wasn’t aware it had. Her husband in the passenger side was a little shaken as well. His language indicated he thought his wife shouldn’t be in the drivers seat to say the least. My friend got him settled down and the car in the right direction and them headed home. Was our delay really a divine appointment for this couples destiny? I’ve pondered that day many times. Isn’t it a blessing to know that God knows what’s best for us and he has people in place to help us each step of the way. People that he can trust and who carries his heart. We can throw people overboard pretty easy in life, but Jesus goes after the one. His love for mankind always amazes me. People are important to him. That day will forever stay etched in my mind. I do that a lot now myself when I don’t know what to do. I reach up and pull my answer down as I say help me Jesus. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for Jesus. Thank you that your love for us is beyond what our human minds can comprehend. You knows what is best for us in every circumstance and you put people in our path that will help us each step of the way.

Father, may we carry your heart to the world around us. May many that are losing hope today reach up and pull their answer down, as they look to you for their answer.

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Call on Jesus, he has your answer.

Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it, the LORD is His name: Call to Me and I will answer and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:2-3)


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