Nursing Home Visits


I am but a simple circuit preacher who gets called to serve wherever God calls me. Over the years I have been called to visit folks at nursing homes.

This past Sunday I visited the nursing home in Belen, NM where my dear friend Frank Hall is staying while is lovely wife Sylvia heals from a broken rib. Nurse Victoria is giving Frank a lot of love and care, pictured above. Frank is doing well and in good spirits! I read out the book of Psalms for Frank. I also visited with other residents including Emmanuel who told me no one ever visits him. Victoria said some residents never get any visitors. Frank wanted to tell you he is very thankful for your prayers! This is what God has us do! We go wherever He calls us to show people His love and compassion. We are here to serve up the love of Jesus, it’s our calling, which we take very seriously.

The Lord has shown me over the years to meet people where they are at. Think about that, pray about that! Whether its in a nursing home, trauma center, place of business, on the softball field, at the store, at a funeral, in the hospital, on the streets…wherever God places you…..serve Him and His people. Please help us continue to serve.

 We are ready to serve you the love of Jesus! That is why God has us here on earth. Send us your prayer needs!

Everyone should visit a hospital or a nursing home or go to a funeral once a month to remind themselves how precocious life is and how precious our Lord is. Allow the Lord to speak to you and He will reveal much to you in these visits.

Nurses are a treasure from God, I know! I am married to one!!!!

People need people, people need to see the love of Jesus in action.

Think of it if you were in a hospital or nursing home and nobody came to visit you……….

It shakes me to the core and also blessed me to be with people as they face end of life issues. The shaking makes me realize more and more about God and His way, not our way. The blessing comes from showing the love of Jesus to the families.

I am just a simple preacher trying to do what the Lord has called me to.

My life verse……“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

Please help us, help others for JESUS!

Please Pray About a Love Offering to FGGAM

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