How will you be remembered when you die?


Another awesome post by Sister Connie Keyohara! Thank you Connie! God Bless you and yours!

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Everyday on my trip to work, I pass a cemetery. I often wonder what their story was. Like where they lived, were they married…etc.  I also wonder what their epitaph reads. The old tombstone quote.

I heard this analogy years ago; We know that usually headstones have a date of birth and death. 1890-? We know we’re all born and we will die, but it’s in that middle part that we actually live. It’s what actually matters.

And that’s the thing that I wanted to talk about today, the (dash-)

When it comes to knowing how we are to live our lives, the Bible is our ultimate guide. It is the holy Word of the living God and we are to obey it.  This is actually one way that we show that we love Him and when we do this, we abide in Him and His love and He abides in us.

Every day we are given a free will and we must choose wisely. You can choose joy or anger, you can choose to actually seek God or to do life on your own. We can choose to do whatever we’d like, but we don’t get to choose our consequences.

Jesus said: “A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, a better life than they ever dreamed of.”  John 10:10

There are things in life that come along, the things that we’re not expecting. Those tough times that try us. I’m talking about our free will though. The things that we choose. The things we have control over.

Free will is a precious gift from God, for it lets us love him with our “whole heart”—because we want to.

The great news is, it’s never to late to choose how you live your life. Today is a fresh page, a clean slate, a new start. It is the first day of the rest of your life. You get to choose the characters you want in your story. You get to choose the plot. You get to write your daily script. And no matter what you’ve done or what terrible choices you may have made yesterday, just remember; God’s mercies are new every morning.

When the end of your life comes, what do you want to be remembered for? What will your legacy be? What will your epitaph read? What will your dash(-) represent? It’s never too late to change your story line.

I choose joy, I choose hope and I certainly choose God! I want to laugh more, love more and I want to experience everything God created for me to enjoy. As you continue to walk with Jesus, you will develop peace, joy, patience, kindness. These qualities grow in you through the work of God in your life. Apart from him, there is no joy!

Live your life in a way that when your end of days come your dash (-) will speak volumes.

No matter what you’re facing in your your life, living for Christ is worth it! Enjoying a relationship with God and being confident and sure of where you will spend eternity, and living in fellowship with Him is far greater than anything you could imagine.


“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

My prayer for you today is that you live a life full of Gods glory as you wait for Him.

Many Blessings,

Connie Keyohara

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