Do You Mind Waiting For God’s Best? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Do You Mind Waiting For God’s Best?

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I must admit I struggle at times with waiting on the Lord. When I pray, I know God is going to answer because we have his word on it. I love when the answer comes right away. It’s in the waiting that I get impatient at times. If God answered all my prayers on my time and not his, I would be in a heap of trouble. My first mentor Julie would always say to me Angel be patient-give God time to work. I was told don’t pray for patience, because you will go through some things. I would question her many times, how much longer do you think, why is God taking so long and are you really sure he is going to answer? She would always assure me he would answer right on time. I am so thankful he knows what’s best for each of us. The best time, the best season and the best answer to our prayers.

Julie turned 90 yesterday and she still tells me in her sweet voice, Angel be patient as you wait on the Lord. Today, I can say thank you God for teaching me to wait. It was in the waiting, I learned to trust you more. You truly are the good, good Father. Let’s Pray:


Father, thank you that you are in the waiting. Thank you that we can take you at your word. From Genesis to Revelation your Holy Spirit teaches us about you, your ways, the price you paid for the answer to our prayers. Forgive us Lord (forgive me) when I have been impatient. You know what’s best, you know the perfect timing and you know the way we should take. Thank you that in the waiting we can rest assured you will come through-every time. We have your word on it.

Good Father, we will praise you while we wait. Someday, we will understand why. Thank you for being our God in the waiting. We wait patiently for your answer. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. He hears you when you pray, believe.

1 John 5:15 And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him.

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