Democratic Candidates Advocate Expanding Abortion Access and Funding During Debate


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

How dare man or woman think he or she, is above God’s standards!!!!

Democratic Candidates Advocate Expanding Abortion Access and Funding During Debate
The candidates who spoke about abortion in the first Democratic debate all agreed on expanding access to abortion and funding for abortion.

 I have reported on this issue of pot for years and years…….We have posted on the dangers of pot…..but much of America seems to love its pot, including New Mexico, we are going to pot. KOB TV and the ABQ Journal report NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is increasing her efforts to legalize pot.

The Governor is really working hard to legalize abortion and pot. We must pray against such legislation. We must stand in the gap for God.

The Governor has publicly scolded her fellow Democrats about not standing with her on the abortion issue.

If you think the last legislative session got ugly, the 2020 session will make the 2019 session look like a Church picnic.


ABQ Journal Report

This is a post I did a year ago, June 2018……..

I wanted to share this with you today, it is a guest column in the ABQ Journal this morning. I am very concerned where this movement of POT is going,”The Country is going to Pot”. In Colorado “Gas and Grass” stores have opened up in communities.

Read the guest column in the ABQ Journal Here ABQ Journal Report

Opinion: Pot is dangerous, not funny — a doctor tells us why
Fox News

No matter how much fun using marijuana looks like on TV or how many people tell you it’s harmless, remember one thing: unless you have certain medical conditions where the drug may be beneficial, you are better off without it. Read the full story

We all should be concerned where our Country is going……it is headed in the wrong direction….so much division, so much anger, moving away from Biblical principles. Our only true HOPE is in JESUS, not politics. Politics just keeps dividing the nation.

JESUS is our only hope.

Pray for America.

So many need JESUS, so many are looking in all the wrong places to find HOPE, JOY and PEACE.

True HOPE, JOY and PEACE are not found in drugs or politics, yes, if your not careful politics will be like a drug to you, you will lose focus on God.

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