I Saw Dad Sitting in a Chair By the Radio Listening to Pastor Dewey


I received this note from Rita Wassenaar-Dunkelberger this weekend. Thank you for sending this note of love. It keeps us encouraged to keep going Rita! You speak Proverbs 16:24 over me and Sharon! We love you all! The picture I used is of Rita’s Dad, Jan, telling us his life story back in 2016 when we visited him during the Windom Revival. Love this man of God!

Rita Wassenaar-Dunkelberger

Last Sunday we were visiting my Dad in Minnesota. I walked into their home Sunday morning and saw Dad sitting in a chair by the radio listening to Pastor Dewey. It was such a beautiful sight! I should have taken a picture. I quietly sat down and we both listened to your wonderful preaching!
Dad said your sermon series are wonderful!
He listens to your radio program faithfully every Sunday morning.
Thank you for all that you do to further the kingdom!
We appreciate you and Sharon!


Our Radio Ministry, House of Hope, airs on 5 radio stations on Sundays. We reach parts of eastern South Dakota, southwestern Minnesota and northern Iowa. Would you pray about helping support our efforts on the ground and in the air? We strive to fulfill the mission God gave us almost 7 years ago now to reach “one person at a time” for Him, through this website, radio, circuit preaching, counseling, hospital and nursing home visits, baptisims, funerals, and all types of social media. Sorry to report that it has been a slow year for love offerings.

Love Offering

Life Verse for Pastor Dewey Moede

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

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