The Day In Between… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


The Day In Between…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I was thinking this morning about Jesus being placed in the tomb and on the third day He arose. What was happening on the second day? There was a transition taking place. He was coming from death to life.

We all go through transitions in life. There are times that we can’t see what’s happening in the in between. We must continue to place our trust in God and believe in His providential plan. Faith in God requires we take Him at His Word, even in the in between days. He is always right on time and He will always have the final say. Amen? Amen! Let’s Pray:


Father, thank you that you did arise on the third day. Nothing could hold you down. Thank you that even during the transition from life to death, you knew you had the victory. You will always be Jesus, the hope of the world. You said it was finished and you meant just that. It’s a done deal-finished.

Father, thank you that our hope is in you. You have overcome everything in this world. As we put our trust in you, nothing can hold us back. Every stronghold, every high place and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God must come down (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Thank you that because you live, we can be assured you will see us through even in the in between times. We will fulfill our God given destinies. Amen!

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. He will see you through.

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