New Mexico Rally
Monday, March 4
12:00 NOON
The following notification has been received by New Mexcio Watchman from Abortion Free New Mexcio.
We the People of New Mexico: Protest
(Online version): https://www.abortionfreenm.com/news/we-the-people-of-new-mexico-protest
Santa Fe, NM- We the People of New Mexico: Citizens of New Mexico are concerned about the direction that New Mexico legislators are taking the state. You are invited to voice your concerns at a rally in Santa Fe.
Here is your chance to voice your concern on issues like abortion, becoming a sanctuary state, boarder security, minimum wage, oil and gas constraints, new and higher taxes, gun control and many others that will affect you and your communities!
We have been silent too long.
BRING YOUR SIGNS. (Signs will also be provided by Abortion Free New Mexico .)
Event leader:
New Mexico Watchman