A day after having the radical abortion bill HB 51 was defeated, we get more good news! The POT BILL HAS STALLED! The assisted suicide bill never made it also! PTL!!! Thank you for praying!
WE PRAISE GOD!! KOB TV is reporting:
A bill to legalize recreational marijuana in New Mexico will not make it to the governor’s desk.
The bill got stuck in its final Senate committee before it could get a full floor vote.
The Governor is not happy that HB 51 was defeated.
It is a glorious day in New Mexico!!! The Body of Christ came together and defeated this UnGodly legislation! I am sorry, but I have to use a capital G in unGodly, because that is just the way I am made! GOD sets the standards we are to live by, not us.
From our Dear Friend Kathy in ABQ: I’m so encouraged by the defeat of HB51. NM has had national attention for so many bad things. This is evidence of Gods powerful mercy, grace and glory in the face of evil.
HB 51 Defeated, Governor Disappointed, Dems Divided
Thank you to Ethel Maharg and Elisa Martinez for these reports! PTL! I have never seen such unity in the Body of Christ in New Mexico!!! PTL!!! Ethel and Elisa, plus Vincent Torres of Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico and New Mexico Watchman Jose Vasquez are my heroes of faith. Many, many others have stood in the gap for God and His babies, for this I am so ever grateful. I have covered the abortion issue in New Mexico for so many years, what made the difference this year to me, is UNITY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST!!! FASTING AND PRAYING, UNITY IS SUCH A KEY!!! ALL FOR GOD!!!!
Bill Ruhl The Lord said, “Gather the people together, seek Me, and pray. Then position yourselves and watch…” The battle is the Lord’s. HB 51 defeated today!
Well done NM!!! Well done!!! Pastor Bill is Vice Chairman of FGGAM!