Thank you Lydia Haley Crandall  for this Valentine’s Day Post! Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Tracy and the kids! We love you all!

Friends: please don’t let a commercialized holiday paint your idea of what love is or should be. We are looking for true love & acceptance. It will never come in those dozen roses, or that stuffed bear, or giant overpriced balloon or big box of chocolates. While all those things are fun-they do not represent true love. True love came down from heaven to be born of a virgin as a helpless, innocent baby boy. True love was tempted just as we are, yet he never once sinned. True love grew into a man who chose to surrender HIS life to save yours. Do you know him? You see, apart from him, the only alternative is death. Not just death like we know it here on earth, but eternal death & separation from him. As dark & evil as this world is, God is still here with us-he sent us his Holy Spirit. Try to imagine a world where God’s spirit isn’t present. It’s worse than your deepest, darkest nightmares. He gave us hope that, if we put our trust in him, we will spend eternity with him in heaven. Not because we are good. The Bible says for ALL have sinned & fall short of the glory of God. All: you, me, the nicest person we each know, our moms…everyone!! (Don’t believe that we’re born with the tendency to sin? Try putting 2 toddlers in the same room with only ONE toy…) The Bible also says that whosoever believes in him, will NOT perish, but have eternal life. Whosoever: you, me-everyone! Yes, each of us will pass away one day, but if we have placed our trust in Christ, we will spend eternity with him in heaven. Although the gift he gave you is free for the taking-if you never accept it, it’s like the box of chocolates or the roses left on your door step-they were meant for you, but you never claimed them. All you have to do is admit that you can’t do it on your own; that you need him in your life. You see, even those of us who “seem” like we have found that “perfect love” in our lives have not. I love my husband dearly, but he cannot fill that void within my heart. He is not God-he is not perfect. And neither am I. That void was placed there by my creator-a void only HE can fill. Surrender your life to Jesus today! It’s so very simple; don’t overthink it. Just admit that you’re a sinner, repent, which is turn away from your old life & ask him to forgive you. Right then & there, you are a new creation in Christ. After that, commit to finding a church home where the truth of God’s word is preached. I love all my friends & family so & desire to see each of you have that relationship with Christ. Today is just another day, but maybe it IS the day you find your true love

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