Iran Celebrates Islamic Revolution by Unveiling Missiles



Headlines from Jerusalem, 4 January 2019

“And He ordered us to preach to the people, and solemnly to testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead” Acts 10:42


Iran Celebrates Islamic Revolution by Unveiling Missiles

Iran’s clerical regime celebrated the 40th anniversary of the violent coup which brought it to power over the weekend by, among other things, unveiling a new cruise missile capable of carrying a nuclear payload 1,350 km which defense officials claimed had recently undergone a successful test. On Saturday, Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) General Hossein Salami told an official media outlet that “If the Europeans, or anyone else, want to conspire to disarm Iran of missiles, we will be forced to make a strategic leap.”


UN Ambassadors visit Israel

A contingent of UN ambassadors from 40 countries around the world visited Israel recently in a trip coordinated by Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon. Their visit included trips to Yad Vashem, Jerusalem’s City of David archeological park and several other landmarks. They also met with senior officials including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin.

Israelis Cheered by Jewish Superbowl MVP

Israelis largely ignored the NFL’s Superbowl LIII between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams on Sunday, but were nonetheless gratified to learn upon waking up Monday morning that Wide receiver Julian Edelman, one of the NFL’s few Jewish players, had been named MVP of the game. With ten receptions for 141 yards, Edelman was one of the few offensive standouts in a low-scoring game otherwise dominated by the defense of both teams.

Israel Blesses the World

Scientific Reports, a professional journal of medicine and related research, published an article this week detailing the work of Professor Amiram Goldblum and his team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem which describes an algorithm they invented identifying 27 new molecules which activate a special protein called PPAR-delta, giving hope to millions of people around the world who suffer from fatty liver disease, obesity, diabetic nephrotoxicity, and related conditions. Professor Goldblum cautioned however that much more research will be required before treatments will be made available to the general public.

Report says German NGO’s Funding Palestinian Terror

The Israeli Strategic Affairs Ministry published a report last week entitled “The Money Trail: European Union Financing of Organizations Promoting Boycotts against the State of Israel.” The report gives details of financial transfers to Palestinian NGOs which are staffed by convicted terrorists by self-described “Humanitarian Aid” groups in Germany, as well as a think tank connected to Germany’s Green Party.


Israel’s Red Lines in Lebanon and Syria
Yaakov Lappin, BESA

The “War Between Wars” is an ongoing Israeli military and intelligence effort to disrupt the force build-up of the Iranian-Shiite axis throughout the Middle East. This campaign, which has evolved into an entire force activation doctrine, has seen the Israeli defense establishment employ an approach that differentiates between Syria and Lebanon.


WINEP Webinar on Issues Surrounding Iran

Members of the Washington Institute’s National Book Club from across the US recently participated in an online, interactive webinar with Jay Solomon, former chief foreign correspondent of the Wall Street Journal, on his book “Iran Wars book The Iran Wars: Spy Games, Bank Battles, and the Secret Deals that Reshaped the Middle East.”


ICEJ Aid – Immigrant Assistance

ICEJ Aid offers you the opportunity to partner with us in helping new immigrants as they come to Israel. God promised that He would bring back the Jewish people to the land of Israel from all over the earth and plant them in their land. Here, ICEJ Aid steps in and actively helps new immigrants get planted and rooted in Israel.

Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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