Worship 2019, What Does Pure Worship Look Like?

This post is from Pastor Bill Ruhl of Global Destiny Ministry in Albuquerque, NM. Pastor Bill is also Vice Chair of FGGAM.
Bill Ruhl

Worship 2019 What does pure worship look like?

New season, but not a new reason.
Jesus is our focus and purpose in this and every season.

What does Worship look like then?
Worship is our focused adoration to Jesus.
What then is praise!
Praise is our declaration of Who Jesus is!

I love the scripture picture of the alabaster box of precious perfumed oil.
All the Gospel accounts share this testimony of being totally broken and poured out for the love of Jesus.
Two describe it happening in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper, one describes a similar outpouring of adoration at the home of Simon the Pharisee. In all three cases those in attendance missed the meaning of what they witnessed and were indignant toward the young lady. In John this same expression of Worship takes place with Mary, Lazarus’ sister at their home while a Jesus was visiting. Judas, the one who would betray Jesus, is the one who speaks up against this extravagant act.

This picture repeated over and over and over and over again is the picture of pure worship. Jesus would be broken and poured out for us on the cross as an act of His incredible love for all mankind, and these women demonstrated what it means to be totally broken and spilled out in adoration for the Lord by their acts of breaking open and pouring out the fragrant oil from an alabaster box.

He became broken for us.
She became broken before Him.
She poured herself out as a fragrant offering, in the presence of a worldly religious She opened herself to ridicule and mocking.spirit, because she recognized the greater Presence, Jesus, that had entered the house.
She anointed her King with a prodigal (that is a rebellious, lavish, extravagant) act of sacrificial worship.

Two aromas filled that room… the perfume of the natural oil and the fragrance of the spiritual oil contained in her.
Ahh…. and then a third aroma overpowered these two and filled the atmosphere…
The aroma of a His words of love permeated her being. The Lord poured out a His perfect love and recorded it for all time in His word.

What then is pure worship?
It is done unto the Lord.
It is costly.
It is done with total abandonment… lost in the moment… lost in His presence.
It is prodigal in nature… rebellious, lavish, extravagant.
It is responsive… Heaven takes notice and records it for all to hear and see.

That’s the new season we are entering into… This year we need to become totally lost in Jesus. If we can be that rebellious, that lavish, that extravagant before men, the aroma of Jesus will inundate this temple and you will carry that aroma where ever you go.

Let’s have heaven take notice of this new season we are entering into together.


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