God Sets The Standard, Not Us!

My Dear Friend Jude Sisneros posted this on his Facebook page yesterday and I asked him if we could post it here at FGGAM! Great message! Thank you brother!

In this day and age.. This world has the stupid misconception that God must be fair and kind in his dealings with humanity.. This ignorant view of justice is a projection of a human idea. People who believe this notion appeal to tolerance and forgiveness and actually assume that God must play by our rules!! It’s God that sets the standards my friends. Gods wrath may be hard to accept, I know, but God must ultimately oppose and destroy evil period. Whatever God chooses or decrees is fair, even if you don’t like it, or understand it. Bottom line.. those who rebel and reject God are not rejecting a” life style option” they are rejecting truth and justice itself.. In Revelation 16:19-21”The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. From the sky huge hailstones of about one talent(about 125 pounds ) each fell upon men. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.” This my friends will come to pass … And the World will curse God for it… In the Old Testament God allowed punishment of sins by stoning, and he will stone this earth with hailstones because of their rebellion and sin…. And the world will judge God harshly when the world brought it upon themselves… Sinful people will unite to fight against God in a final display of rebellion, it’s already happening.. My brothers and sisters in Christ, pray for the unbelievers who are hostile against God, and pray for God to unharden their hearts, pray that they will turn to God while they still have a chance, because if they insist on ignoring Gods warnings, they will eventually be unable to hear him at all…. RANT OVER!!! God bless

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