The Service for President George H. W. Bush was filled with Great messages for all of America! Such an awesome Memorial Service!!!
Loved these quotes by former Senator Alan Simpson yesterday at President George H. W. Bush’s Memorial Service, the Senator said he and his buddy H. W. were guided by these two things: ..”Hatred corrodes the container it’s carried in” and “humor is the universal solvent against the abrasive elements of life.
“They ought to learn this around this joint,” said Simpson, speaking from the nation’s capital shortly after the funeral ended.
“There will never be any class of people in our country that can replace the old western cowman for common sense, shrewdness, humor and fine citizenship.” – Will Rogers, 12 December 1934
I posted this in July of 2015….
So much of what we say and do comes from our emotions. The way to victory over your emotions is to consider yourself crucified. Because this is an ongoing act of your will, the indwelling Christ helps keep the door of the Holy Spirit open and the door of the flesh closed. As you put your old self to death, the Spirit of God gives you new, victorious life. When you do this, you are filled with the Holy Spirit. You are able to live in the Spirit. God takes control of your mind, will, emotions, and therefore, your soul and body.
Sometimes you may beleive that your emotions are so strong that you cannot master them. You may feel that when they sweep over you like a giant tide, you have no choice but to drift along with them. However, you are not helpless in learning to control your emotions. The Holy Spirit can help you when you are tempted to give in to your emotions.
In his book, “MasterLife” Avery T. Willis Jr. maps out a course of action that can help you master your emotions. We will be going into detail on this Sunday at 11am at the Reserve Baptist Church.
Here is Avery’s ACTION Plan:
A cknowledge the emotion
C onsider why you have it
T hank God that He will help you master it
I dentify the Biblical response to it
O bey the Holy Spirit’s leading
N urture the appropriate fruit of the Spirit
As I grow in my relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ, this may sound to simple to some, but it is the truth, I find it is all about God, not me, I am to die, the way to victory in life is to consider our flesh crucified. I find more and more that I do not say or do anything without first being prompted by the Holy Spirit. I am not perfect by far, but I strive toward God.
I find most problems that we face in this world are based on emotions. Whether it is marriages, friendships, families, abortion, sex, drugs, finances, workplace problems, Church problems, business problems, etc……emotional based.
How we react determines the outcome.
All this hate in America here in late 2018 makes me think of the song years ago by Johnny Cash..”Ragged Old Flag”….
Our Nations capitol is plum full of HATE! Its overflowing and has become part of the present day Americana society, young and old. Where are the role models of love and peace in Jesus?
I am very concerned about the heart of America.
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Tribune Content Agency
Why are people so filled with hate?Jul 18, 2018 |
From the writings of the Rev. Billy GrahamQ: Why are people so filled with hate? It seems they are not just angry, they are filled with rage. It seems such behavior is escalating faster by the day. There seems to be more poverty, racial conflict and physical and mental illnesses than I can remember in my younger years. It is even scary to go to church these days for fear that there will be a madman who will storm through the doors in violence. Is the world getting worse? — D.O.
A: To many observers this certainly seems to be the case. Wars have raged around the world from the beginning of time. But part of this could be due to a 24-hour news cycle, something that hit in the last part of the 20th century with cable news and the internet. People are forever hearing about bad news. But the Bible says that in the final days before Jesus returns to this earth there will be “terrible times.” Jesus declared that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6). More than any other time in history more Christians are martyred for their faith. Our world is filled with conflict, turmoil and insecurity. Jesus said the basic problem is in our hearts — and the reason is because we are alienated from our Creator. Instead of giving God His rightful place at the center of our lives, we have substituted the gods of this world that claim to satisfy mankind’s longings. But only Christ can change our hearts. Does this mean that we can never make any progress against the massive problems that assail society — poverty, war, injustice, famine, sickness, disease? No, of course not; God wants us to fight evil wherever it is found. But our greatest need is for repentance and spiritual renewal. ======== (This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.) (c)2018 BILLY GRAHAM DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC. |