What is Grace? By Karen Rowe


Dear Friends,

Holy means to be “Set Apart” from ways of the world.  As I hope this encourages you to dive into God’s Holy Word to hear the Message God wants you to hear today, think of God’s Message as a call on your life to be set apart from the ways of the world & to be Transformed into The Way (Jesus); Whom from the Beginning, God always intended for us to live through and by His Son.

We, who believe in Christ Jesus are “called” to Reach for Higher; even though we can miss that mark many times as a believer.  Yet, this is God’s Grace that Christ himself has saved us and sent us a guide to make things right.  We may miss that mark as we GROW up in Christ, but we are called to honor God in all that we do, even as we return to God to say, I am sorry, help me begin again!  Because in doing so, trusting in God and believing also in the Grace we have in His Son, Christ Jesus, we might gain the opportunity to be a witness for Christ; SO THAT someone can see God’s love for them Today.

I always say, you should see God’s Son more through my mistakes, than through my goodness.  It’s Grace with Mercy and Love.  We are not perfect, BUT JESUS is!  We are being MADE perfect in Christ, day by day and mistake by Grace and Glory Perfected in Christ.  We need Jesus for Grace and Glory & To God be the Glory!

Are you facing something difficult Today?  Are you being tested?  Do you feel alone?  Do you feel like you are in (a desert)?  Then, be encouraged that you are in the best Place to hear God’s Voice.

Please let us know how we can pray for you Today.

                                                     Love in Christ, 

                                                     The Hope in Today Ministries, Team & FGGAM

We hope & believe, as always, that this Hope in Today Ministries Devotion (to God’s Holy Word) will be a blessing to you Today.  As The Holy Spirit guides; and by faith we provide, In Jesus Name!   And To God be the Glory!

Interlude as I post this…

Is God’s Grace made New Every Morning?  Unlike a left-over donut that gets stale, God’s Grace is made available to us to choose every day, as long as God calls it Today.  Why put off coming to God’s unlimited supply of power and grace over your life, until you really need it?

As I am posting this, my computer is slowing more and more, because I am putting off the task of renewing my Web Root Virus Protection.  I know I need to; but a part of me still relys on Geek Squad to handle all that I don’t fully understand, so I wait on a better time.

Could it be that as a part of God’s Grace, I am experiencing this now?

Could it be that as a part of God’s Grace, I am experiencing this now, so that I can encourage you; AND paint a picture of God’s Grace, by His Grace? … that we simply need to call on the one who does understand.  His Name is Jesus & we can Trust Him!

And, friends, there is no better time than to call on Jesus; than now.  Jesus is for All times, for all time.  Jesus has a direct line open for us to call on God anytime.  This is the Gift of Grace TODAY my friends.  Jesus loves you; and Jesus did die on a cross FOR you to be WITH God forevermore, beginning TODAY.  God is For you, With you and in Christ, IN you, when you accept this free gift of Grace from God and Receive His Son in your for a New Life, with new abilities to face every challenge in this world, by and with the Power of God that is through and by the Name of Jesus.

It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 KJV

NOW :)

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

Daily Devotion to God’s Holy Word,

By, Karen Rowe

What is a picture of Grace?

Is Grace finding 1/2 of a donut in a box you prepared to throw away last night? Is Grace saying no to the donut; OR, saying thank you for the donut?

God Created a “Thinking People” & we experience God’s Grace every day in some way, but do we notice to say Grace?

What is Grace?

As a noun (SALVATION)
1.simple elegance or refinement of movement.
2.(IN CHRIST) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners AND the bestowal of blessings.

As a verb (God’s PRESENCE)
1. do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one’s presence.

Grace has been defined, NOT as a created substance of any kind, but as “THE LOVE & MERCY GIVEN TO US BY GOD BECAUSE GOD DESIRES US TO HAVE IT, … NOT necessarily BECAUSE of anything we have done to earn it”.

“Grace is favour, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature & of eternal life.”

It is understood by Christians to be a spontaneous gift from God to people “generous, free and totally unexpected and undeserved” – that takes the form of divine favor, love, clemency (LOOK UP MEANING), & a share in the divine life of God.

It is an attribute of God that is most manifest in the salvation of sinners. In Christ, in the relationship of grace between God and an individual is always on the side of God.

FAITH is a gift from God.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.”

Ephesians 2:8

“Picture a man with no reason for living
With no hope of smiling again

Imagine a world with no golden daybreak
Enclosed by the blackness of sin

And the scene is bathed in beauty and glory
Transformed by love’s sweet embrace
The hands of the Savior, erased all my sorrow
And painted this picture of grace

How skillful the HANDS of the artist
Who painted this picture OF me
He saw WITH the eyes of a master
How beautiful my life COULD be

Where once was a portrait of gloom and despair
This masterpiece hangs in it’s PLACE

It’s signed with his blood and it’s framed with his glory

This beautiful picture of grace.”

Gaither Vocal Band

(See Below for Song)


In Christ, if our hearts do not condemn us, we may have what our heart desires…we can pray for God to hold back the rain, so the parade can go on & the children can have the experience of what it is to March…

It didn’t rain … A Picture of God’s Grace

A call to be an Extension of God’s Grace (Love and Mercy)

 …Love Your Enemies
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even tax collectors do the same?…
Matthew 5:45-46



Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

“Writing the Story of my life with every choice Jesus helps me to make and learning how to be blessed and live life large, happy and free.  I care.”

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe

Instagram ID:  Rowe4629

Twitter ID:  Karen Rowe@hopeintoday

  • [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBNgJ2VFP1Y?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]
  • Personal Motto:  “I don’t have it all figured out, BUT GOD DOES … Follow JESUS!”
    Personal Revelation Life Verse:  1 John 4:16

    16 And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him.  (HCSB)

    Holy Spirit you are welcome here!

    Thank you Jesus!



    If you missed a Hope in Today’s Daily Devotion? 

    You are invited to follow Hope in Today’s Instagram @ Rowe4629

    If you need prayer; or would like to contact Hope in Today Ministries, Inc., Please do so.  There is a Contact Box located on the Hope in Today Website.  Or write to Hope in Today Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box 441, Efland, NC 27243



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Karen Rowe
Meet Karen: Hi, I am blessed, by God's good grace and because I know Jesus, I am blessed. I choose to be blessed, because I have a choice set before me and I refuse to look down. I trust God and I know and believe in the love God has for us. I have overcome difficulties; and I am blessed by the grace of God alone. If I have written about it, then I have felt the pain of it in some way, and to some degree. Did you know that Jesus has felt your pain? This is why I write. By God's grace I can identify; and tell you honestly, yes there is hope in anything and everything that you are facing today! Jesus is our Hope! He is the Truth, the Way and the Life. I am married a wonderful man, Robert Rowe; I love my husband and he loves me; and we have been married for 28 years. Together, we have been blessed with a wonderful daughter, named Amanda who is college now; and a wonderful son, named Daniel who is growing up well and soon to graduate elementary school. We work together and by God's grace we run our own business called PSI. We have a pastor over our ministry and over our business and also we depend on him for advise in our family. We have 2 dogs, 4 horses, 2 cats and love to spend time outdoors by the water and by campfires ... that is it seems when we can find time away from life's busy schedule. I love to write because it helps me learn more about God. And, I am driven by a passion from a love that God has put in my heart to share from my experiences and struggles, as I gain understanding in God’s Word to know how effective and powerful God is over our every situation! I share with you so you can know that you are not alone in your struggles. The same God who helps me and my family, is your help and shield as well! Life is not always easy, but it is possible –I like to share the difference that following Jesus makes in my life. And, I love to share God's patience and mercy and love that is with me! I am not perfect, but am experiencing God sanctify me through and through with every mistake I make; and yes, overcome in Christ! Life is not just about the successes; life on this earth is also about the troubles we overcome to discover what God has hidden in our faith to find! Troubles are more a challenge to grow in our faith ... It is not easy, but in the end the grace of God we discover is worth experiencing God in the midst. By Grace, I have discovered Jesus is Peace and He is my Joy and Wisdom from Heaven. God is our Provider and Healer and Creator, who is our help and shield over all things. By grace, I have experienced a nearness to God through my faith in His Son! We are well forgiven by God; and well blessed when we know and believe the love that God has for us. To say, "all is well with my soul" is a powerful knowledge to understand and experience. I sense God's desire for you to know His love for you and how deep His love for you is that He has SO loved you; God gave you His Son. God loves you right now just as you are! There is so much to learn! I believe that as we learn from God, we are God’s gift to each other. It is all God’s story –and for His glory; and God has SO loved us. I love to paint the vision that God has given me about a Father’s love –that God wants you to dream again and visualize His love for you! In God’s eyes, there’s more to life than we see; and in a world that sometimes misrepresents and misunderstands God and love; God wants you to have the courage to dream His dream and see His vision of a Father’s love for you! Many years ago, I prayed to God, “How can I tell a million people what I know about Your Son?” God showed me I had a gift of a ministry about God's Love; and He called it Hope in Today! I write to please God and I write to encourage you; and I write to spend quiet time with God. All because of this love that God has first shown me! I need Jesus –and my life is about my relationship with God. And, every blessing begins with Him! Love in Christ, Karen Rowe, Director Hope in Today Ministries, Inc. The Train Whistle, Sounding the Call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe For more information: Contact me by email: karen@hopeintoday.com or karen@thetrainwhistle.com to request your gift today. www.hopeintoday.com www.thetrainwhistle.com

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