Miracles of God!


God moved me this morning at about 5:30am to share this story with you of miracles. This world is a dark place, heaven shines brighter than you and I can imagine. With all the chaos going on in my country, it has caused me great sadness. So much chaos, people are forgetting about Jesus here at Christmas time. I want you to know that God is still in the miracle making business. We need to look to God, to many Christians are looking at politicians to solve our great problems in this country. Look what that has gotten us! A big mess. God is not a God of chaos. We have created this chaos. We have looked in all the wrong places for love and whatever.

You should be very concerned for your children and grandchildren as to this world that we are handing over to them. We were to make the world a better place, we have made it worse.

We are paying a huge price for our misbehavior as a country. If we think God approves of such things as aborting babies!!???!!! We have a reckoning coming.  I pray that Americans will look to God and not politicians or politics. Politics is ruining our country. God is not a politician, God is God.

God is still in the miracle making business…….

My sister, Deb Rogers of Reading Minnesota, became a grandmother again around Thanksgiving. Her daughter Emily gave early birth to a 3 pound boy Wyatt! He was not due until Jan. 19th! Here is the miracle! Wyatt was released from the hospital yesterday!!!! PTL!!! Wyatt passed all the tests that the Doctors gave him and he is home for Christmas!!! PTL!!!So many have prayed for Wyatt. Thank you so much.

You see God is still in the miracle making business. I have seen more! Last Saturday before giving my Christmas message a lady came up to me and said. “Thanks to you I made it through my tough time (Pot smoking) and turned my life around!” PTL! That was not me that was all God! God used me to help her.

Awhile back a lady came up to me at a funeral and said, “Remember that night when I called you and I was thinking of ending my life? I am married and so very happy, you saved my life that night.” PTL!!! Not me, but God!!! God used me to help her.

I am sharing you miracles of God in a dark time in our history so you can see clearly the light of our Lord Jesus Christ. God prompted me to write you this morning.

What a journey God has had me on! I was born on July 4th, 1956 to wonderful Godly parents Wally and Ruth Moede in my beloved hometown of Windom, Minnesota. I think the hospital bill was $150.00, I have the bill around here some place. at age 4 1/2 I was diagnosed with a hip disease. The big city Doctor in Mankato, Minnesota told me and my folks I may never walk and run like the other kids. Hallelujah! I have played softball into my 60’s!!! PTL!!

I was sharing with our daughter Gretchen last night that my first full time job in radio in 1979 at KGCX in Sidney Montana paid me 650.00 a month no health insurance, no money for about the last week of the month!! I worked 60 hours a week as sports director and morning man.  I did high school sports late into the night and then up at 3am to warm up the transmitter for sign on. Those were the days that you had to ‘warm up’ the tubes before signing on. Some days I thought I was passing myself coming and going to the station!!! I ended up in the Sidney Hospital of exhaustion/malnourishment in 1980. In 1978 I began my life in radio as a weekend news producer at the Minnesota News Network! 40 years later I’m still Alive!! Lol lol I’m still doing radio ministry on 5 radio stations! I act as a consultant to a Christian radio group! I have had a good life! I have learned so very much! I have learned so much about my God! Amen! 9 years ago God took all this and made me a Preacher Man! I love to serve others! My life is a miracle! I love Sharon our kids our grand babies and Doggy’s! Merry Christmas!

You see, we could see a turn around in America, a miracle of God…if we repent and seek the face of Jesus and live by His Word and ways, unless we do, it is going to get very dark in America.

One of my daily prayers is for more mature Christians…….I love this…..

From Chuck Swindoll’s book, ‘David’: “It’s as if God says, “I don’t care about all the slick public image business. Show me a person who has the character, and I’ll give him all the image he needs. I don’t require some certain temperament, I don’t care if he has a lot of charisma, I don’t care about size, I don’t care about an impressive track record. I care about character! First, is the person deeply authentic in his or her spiritual walk or is he faking it? And second, is he or she a servant?”

There is way too much ‘slick public image’ going on in this world we live in, and also in the Church.

Life Verse for Founding Pastor Dewey Moede:

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

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