Have a CUP With Me as I Share on Apostle Paul ‘Love is the Only Way’


Good Morning My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I watched the movie ‘Paul Apostle of Christ’ for the first time yesterday. It stopped me in my tracks. I feel so detached from what a REAL Christian is after watching this movie. Paul has always been my hero, my role model, I can’t get enough of him. Just like I cannot get enough of JESUS!!!!

Look at what so much of Christianity has turned in to….Commercialization…is that what you would call it?

I have always been thankful for things that will stop me in my tracks…….make me think, get me closer to God.

After watching the movie, and praying, seeking the face of Jesus and reading more about Paul, I have some good books on his life, and of course I have my Bible…anyhow I am uncomfortable as to what the Christian world looks like here in 2018.

I think we have made a big commercial out of Christianity and our trying to sell it to the world, we also have let HATE creep into the door of the Church. Instead, we must model what a true Christian is to be and you can find it in your Bible and the movie. We must share the good news no matter what. We must not commercialize it, like a souped up TV ad full of ‘nothing noise’

Just think…..the movie put it this way…Paul traveled over 10,000 miles over 30 years spreading the Gospel and then was beheaded for his actions. I want to be like Paul. I want to give all of myself to God. I do not want to be part of this world.

I want to walk in Paul’s footsteps.

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. Philippians 4:11

Some other notes on this Monday…… the world is calling today ‘Cyber Monday’ like they called this past Friday ‘Black Friday’ all days are the Lords. I am not part of Black Friday or Cyber Monday, the Lord owns all days.

PTL! for this news Mighty Wyatt, just 3 pounds, is now in his own room at the hospital in Minnesota, breathing on his own and his IV may be taken out today! I love that name, Mighty Wyatt, Mighty in our Lord! Thank you for your prayers!

Sharon got home safely late yesterday afternoon from Denver! Thank you for your prayers! I slept so good having her home. I have to tell you that ‘love grows’ if you are in Christ. If you truly have a relationship with Jesus, you will find that your love for Him and others like your spouse, will continue to grow. You can take that to the bank! Love those old sayings, as I am OLD!

Merry Christmas, Dewey and Sharon

We love you all!


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