Christians at Work



October 13, 2018

Christians at Work

Ephesians 6:5-8

Oftentimes Christians have the mistaken idea that their life is segmented into religious and secular, but God sees no such distinctions. In all we do, we are living representatives of Christ—even in the workplace.

In today’s passage, we’re told how to behave and what kinds of attitudes we are to have toward our superiors. Although these passages were written to a society that allowed slavery, these Christian principles that applied to Roman slaves still remain true for us today.

First of all, we are called to obey our employers with sincerity and honor. Although there may be times when we must choose to obey God rather than men, there is never a time when we should be disrespectful (Acts 5:29). If we’re tempted to speak badly of the boss or complain to a coworker, we need to remember this principle.

We should do our work as unto God rather than men. This is sometimes the only way we’ll be able to handle frustrations and unfair treatment. When we remember we are doing this for the Lord and He promises to reward us, it softens our heart and changes our attitude.

We must submit to managers even if they are harsh or unreasonable (1 Peter 2:18-23). Never are we more Christlike than when we suffer unjustly and bear up under oppression by entrusting ourselves to God. That’s when His favor rests on us.

In addition, our response on the job broadcasts a message about the kingdom of God. The Lord has placed us in this position—even if it is a difficult one—and wants us to be an accurate reflection of Christ.

Bible in One Year: Mark 1-2

We Shall Be Like Him

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