How Bad Do You Want It? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


How Bad Do You Want It?



Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Yesterday, it was taking the next step day as I walk out the sermon Darla Thompson gave at church on Sunday. The Anointed Sequin Ministries (check it out on Facebook) is a perfect name for this glitzy gal. She delivered a message that was simple but so profound. How bad do you want it? Those words have been ringing in my ears since they left her mouth Sunday morning. I am so full of dreams, vision and a love for Jesus Christ, I want the world to experience the richness of journeying life everyday with Jesus. We will never get where we are going if we don’t take the next step. It certainly was a word in season and the beginning of a new journey for me. I want to see the plan of God fulfilled in my life badly, and I also want to see the plan of God fulfilled in your life as well. Let’s pray:

Father, thank you that you are our God and we are your people. There is nothing that is impossible with you, oh God. For your Word tells us all things are possible to those that believe. (Matthew 19:26) You tell us to ask (pray), believe and we shall receive. (Mark 11:24)
Father, thank you for journeying each step as we walk out the road before us. Ashes No More! Amen.

Ashes No More  By: Angel L. Murchison
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Creator of my image
Lifter of my head
My name is beautiful
Woman, pure holy undefiled.

Sanctified, set apart
Journeying with Jesus.
A path narrow and straight
Ashes no more.

Trusting her master-her maker
The lover of her soul.
Skipping on the journey with childlike faith
Believing her father knows what’s best.

The morning dew, the night’s crisp air
Reminds her of the kisses from above.

Jesus, the ultimate man
The lover of her soul.

Beautiful, a receiver of his glory.
Ashes No More.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. How bad do you want it? Take a step today!

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