To Reserve, NM and Then to Windom, Minn.


WOW WEE! Here we go, this Sunday I preach at FBC in Reserve then I will leave Tuesday morning for Windom, Minnesota for the “House of Hope”!

Your prayers are so welcomed, as I get ready to go! At FBC in Reserve I will be preaching about what it means to be mature in your faith.

I am finalizing my messages with the Lord for the House of Hope. Please pray for protection, safety, wisdom, and a powerful movement of love in Jesus.

I have 8 hours total in the car Sunday to travel and then Monday I finish my work the Lord has assigned me in Albuquerque and then early Tuesday I fly out of the Duke City for Windom. Satan is attacking me at this time, no surprise. Please pray.

This is going to be a good work out for an old man.

Sharon and I love you all more than we love ourselves.

A Prayer of Hope – Pastor Bill Ruhl, Global Destiny Ministry, Vice-Chair FGGAM, Albuquerque, NM

Proverbs 3:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
But when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. (Amp)

Jesus… Thank You that in You all things are fulfilled. As Windom prepares to celebrate “House of Hope”, we see a desire fulfilled in Dewey’s heart. As he has delighted in You, You have given him the desire of his heart. We thank you, Lord, for the divine opportunities you will afford the people of Windom as they gather at the BARC Auditorium to glorify Your Name. We set a father’s blessing over the musicians and worshippers as they prepare to usher in Your presence at this gathering and call upon Holy Spirit to fashion the words of every speaker as they release Your words of encouragement to all who have spiritual ears to hear. Our hope is to have lives changed as a “ tree of life” is formed in them and that an atmosphere of joy will descend upon and linger over Windom for years to come. Let Your revival fire fall in Jesus Name. So be it… Amen
Pictured is Pastor Bill and his lovey bride Monica. Pastor Bill and I became dear friends forever when one day he came into KKIM Radio and offered to volunteer his services at the radio station! With his voice and intelligence for news, I asked him to be the fill-in newscaster for Hall-of-Fame Broadcaster Frank Haley! Pastor Bill then became Vice Chair of FGGAM when God formed the ministry 6 years ago. Bill always told me, don’t go in debt….and as I prayed God said the same thing. FGGAM never has been in debt. God Bless you Pastor Bill and Monica for your everlasting love love.
I don’t think of the miles I travel in serving Jesus, I think of where they lead me


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