World Weather: Record Heat, Drought, Wildfires, Rivers Drying Up and Flooding


I cannot keep up with all the news of all the wildfires in California, Colorado and New Mexico. Here in New Mexico over 1000,000 acres have burned up. The drought is just horrible here in New Mexico, the land is so very parched in many areas, especially in Catron County.

In southwestern Minnesota, my home town of Windom and surrounding communities are experiencing flooding. The Des Moines river is at or near record levels.

Dayton, leaders see damage in flooded southern Minnesota

Water levels at New Mexico’s largest reservoir are dropping and more rivers around the state are being reduced to a trickle as residents, farmers and water managers anxiously await the start of summer rains that could offer some short-term relief to the dry conditions.
The lack of snowpack over the winter and little meaningful runoff and rainfall during the spring has left Elephant Butte reservoir in southern New Mexico about 18 feet lower than last year.   Upstream, the river bed of the Rio Grande north of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge has been reduced to a dry wash. The drought map shows more than 86 percent of New Mexico has been hit by severe drought.
The heat-related death toll jumped to 34 across Quebec Thursday, as Environment Canada issued a smog and heat warning for today.
California Governor Brown declares state of emergency as winds help fuel deadly fires.
California heat wave is one for the record books, as temperatures hit triple digits in LA as fires rage.
Dust storms hit Arizona.


All-time heat records have been set all over the world during the past week
The Washington Post

Montreal, Glasgow, Belfast and Yerevan, Armenia, are among the international cities to set all-time-high temperatures. Read the full story


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The picture of sandbagging is from Windom, Minnesota and the fire picture is from the Ranch Fire in Catron County New Mexico

This scripture came to me as I was writing this story……And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

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