I Became Reacquainted with Pastor Dewey Under the Worst Circumstances


I wept when I read this….Sharon and I try our best to serve God and His people in His love. Jesus is the only answer. We share these letters to encourage us all to keep on our path for God, for His glory not ours. It is the only true path. Many years ago our Pastor Barry Dickens said, “Dewey, it is good to boast, but only in the Lord.” Be encouraged today and all days in the Glory of our Lord! Amen!

But, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 10:17

Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:21

Here is the letter that made us weep yesterday………

I became reacquainted with Pastor Dewey Moede under the worse circumstances one could imagine, to be it was a disaster, after an accident nearly took my life and my sister Laurie was fighting Brain Cancer. Pastor Dewey called me to get an update on Laurie as they had been classmates in school. I had known him as a child growing up in Windom.


As I wheeled my wheelchair into my sister’s room, I told her that Dewey had sent his regards and I told Laurie that I think Dewey thinks that I am a better person than I really am and she replied that he thinks that of everybody as that is the kind of person he is.


Laurie died a week and a half later, and I had communicated with Dewey several times as her conditioned worsened. And each time he would pray with me for Laurie to find peace.


I found that Pastor Dewey had an amazing heart for people and prayed about everything before making any decisions. His concern for everyone he greets is genuine.


Over the years my struggle to become a Christian had many ups and downs with a handicapped child and a loving wife that needed a liver transplant and my career in business and law enforcement. Many times, my wife asked me did you pray about it, and my reply would be no. I found it easier to pray for others but I didn’t feel worthy. During my recovery from a 30 foot fall as I would lay in my bed I learned to pray for people who were less fortunate than myself. It is one thing to tell someone you will pray for them or they are in your prayers and then do not follow through.Cicuit Preacher,


Pastor Dewey continued to call to encourage me and I always felt so much better after talking to him. It cannot be easy being a circuit Pastor going from church to church and running his news organization For God’s Glory Alone Ministries but, his influence is felt far and wide as he interviews people from that have a story to tell in their pursuit of fellowship.


Pastor Dewey has followed the path of ministers of old providing revivals as we as Christians need to be revived in the blood and love of Jesus, Dewey has a knack for changing people’s lives that way.


Rodney Byam

Windom, MN

For God’s Glory Alone

Thank you for sharing God’s Glory with us Rodney! I will see you soon at the House of Hope in Windom at the BARC August 10th and 11th! God Bless you and Deb! Love you both so very much!

Picture is of Rodney and his angel wife Deb, photo from Dave Fjeld of the Cottonwood County Citizen

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