Windom Revival Radio: Jesus Gives Us a Great Insight How to Care For Our Mothers


Happy Mother’s Day!! Welcome to the Windom Revival Radio program! We want to take time to wish all Mother’s a Happy Mother’s day! Let us turn to John 19:25-27…..There are many places in the Bible where we could look and find guidance about how to love our Mothers. In this one small section scripture. Jesus gives us great insight into the way our earthly Mothers are to be cared for.

I have posted a picture here of my Mom, Ruth Irene Moede, who passed on to glory in 1995 at age 64 of cancer. My sister Deb Moede Rogers really cared for my Mom through the loss of our Dad, Wally in 1993 of a sudden heart attack at age 64. Then Mom got cancer. It was a very tough time for us kids. Deb did most of the care for Mom. Deb is an angel on earth. We lived in Indiana during this time. I came home for awhile would drive Mom to Sioux Falls for her radiation treatments, everyday for a week. She did not want to stay in Sioux Falls, she wanted to be in her own home. I have the rocker that she would sit in after her treatments.

I also have posted a picture of my Dad and Mom holding our son Lars! They so much loved their grand kids!

I also posted a picture of my Grandma Lena and Grandpa Floyd Caraway. I was home from Brown in Minneapolis, radio and tv school, in 1979 when Grandma took ill. I carried her to my car and into the Windom Hospital. She said on the way to the hospital it would be the last time she would see the farm.

I loved my Mom and Grandma so very much. I miss them so. I cannot wait to see them in Heaven, as well as my Dad and Grandpa Floyd. Grandpa Chris and Grandma Dena Moede passed away several years ago, I never did meet Grandpa Chris as he died when my Dad was just 13 years old. I look forward to talking to him about his days on the Windom Fire Department back in the late 1800’s. 

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