Pastor Dewey is a Good Friend That Speaks The Truth in Love


FGGAM received this testimonial from Alan Wimbish, former Director of Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico. Alan and his family currently reside in North Carolina. Thank you Alan for sending this love letter. The picture is of Pastor Dewey and his friend Mike from Reserve. Pastor Dewey loves making new friends.

I have long been interested in how ministries function.  How they exist and transform lives.  But more than that, I have always been interested in the people who propel those ministries.  Many times, a particular ministry is the outward manifestation of the Spirit and personality of the one who started that particular ministry.  Men and women of God who are sold out to God in their daily lives, fleshing out, through the power of the Holy Spirit, a ministry that equips and encourages the saints of God.  Successful ministries, those that change lives for Christ, are a product of men and women who love Jesus more than anything else.  Men and women who are investing in Kingdom work.  The ministry of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries is this type of ministry.  And it is led by a husband and wife team that love Jesus more than this world.  Pastor Dewey and his wife Sharon have come along side of me and encouraged me, and equipped me in my walk with Christ and in my ministry.  Pastor Dewey is a dying breed.  He was cut out of a cloth that they just don’t make any more.  A circuit preacher bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people all over New Mexico and the country through his radio program.  Preaching revivals and pastoring churches.  He drives hundreds of miles, spends countless hours serving and loving others for one reason and one reason only… bring Glory to God.  He’s a man who has dedicated his life to serving his Lord and Savior.  When you tell God, “Here I am, send me.” God will put you to work.  But to Pastor Dewey, it’s not work, it’s love.  Love for his Savior and love for others.  He’s a good friend that speaks the truth in love.  No, men like him don’t come along often.  I’m glad to call him my friend and brother in ministry.  For God’s Glory Alone Ministries has a special place in my heart.  Love you brother!

God Bless you and Sharon, Alan Wimbish

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