And it Came to Pass


Your Bible Boost

Pastor Leonard Navarre
“And it Came to Pass”
I once read of a Sunday School teacher who asked the class to quote their favorite verse
of Scripture.  One elderly gentleman promptly spoke up and said, “and it came to pass”.

This made little sense to the teacher, so he asked the gentleman for an explanation.
The man explained that whenever he had encountered problems in life, it
always helped to remember that, “it came to pass”.

“Even more”, he said, “I am thankful that nowhere in the Bible do I read the words,
‘and it came to stay’.

Great insight!!

There are 446 verses in the Bible (King James Version) that state “and it came to pass”.  Often times it seems that hard times in our lives drag on and on, like one bad thing follows another.
During these times we think those situations will never end.  However, we can be certain that they will pass and that they all of those circumstances, yes ALL of them, are working to accomplish HIS purposes in our lives.

Paul assures us in Romans 8:28, “in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”

God never said it would be painless, just that all those difficult situations are working for our good.
Even though we cannot see how it is working out for our good we can rest assured that God is at work.

WHY?   Romans 8:29, states, so that we will “be conformed to the image of HIS SON”.  All these circumstances in our lives are transforming us to be more like JESUS.

The JOURNEY is not just about moving forward and getting older it is about TRANSFORMATION.

So whatever you are going through. it will pass.  But, rest assured that for now, during those times of struggle, our God knows and is allowing that circumstance or circumstances to mold, shape and transform each of us into“the image of HIS SON”.

God bless!


Leonard Navarre

Your Bible Boost
6715 92nd Street
Lubbock, Texas 79424

love people, help meet their needs and show them Jesus

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