Good Morning Beautiful People…Don’t Forget To Prophesy


Good Morning Beautiful People…Don’t Forget To Prophesy


Good morning beautiful people, good morning. We soon will see spring here in beautiful Aroostook County, Maine. I know we are not supposed to brag, but it is hard not to when you live in such a beautiful place and amongst such beautiful people.

I love spring and the newness of the season, the freshness of the air. I love the new beginning that spring brings. I love to see the change as we experience this shift from God Himself.

Most of all, I love to see changes in people that God Himself entrusted to live among us. Spring always reminds me of new beginnings for us all.

I love to prophesy. I love to speak into lives of people that need hope, that need joy, that need to be pulled out of the pit of despair. When I am driving from place to place, I prophesy to the fields. I prophesy the Word of the Lord to towns and cities throughout my region.

I know it sounds odd, but I say crops you hear the Word of the Lord today. You will bring Aroostook County a harvest, and a rich one at that. I look at places that look like they are not going to make it, and I prophecy to them as well. I say businesses you come up and out of the pit. I speak to you in the name of Jesus Christ and declare you will be fruitful. Aroostook County, you blossom and bloom according to the Word of the Lord.

In Ezekiel we are told to prophesy to those dry dead bones and that I do. I just can’t help it. With God on our side we can’t lose. If we believe His Word and do accordingly, He must fulfill His promise to us. Otherwise, He would be a liar. God’s Word tell us that He is not a God that He should lie. (Numbers 23:19)

Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you today about prophesying. Study up, check it out, search the scriptures for yourself. Then test it out.

Together, let’s prophesy and believe and receive the Word of the Lord, Amen? Amen.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Prophesy the Word of the Lord.

Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. 1 Corinthians 14:1


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