From Nothing to Awesomeness

It will be 6 years in August since God moved me out of the radio business to put me and Sharon in the ministry of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries. Our faith gets stronger everyday as to what the Lord has done and is doing with His ministry. Our faith statement is in what God has and is doing.
Dewey Moede 

Whether it is in Reserve, New Mexico or Windom, Minnesota, or on radio in southwestern Minnesota, on radio on The HUB of NM or writing a devotional column for the Windom Citizen or counseling folks or posting at FGGAM.ORG reaching nearly 5 million people(AWSTATS) in just 5 1/2 years…With our radio programs and podcasts and social media we have touched the lives of nearly 6 million people! We love serving God! Thanks to all that help make this happen like Pastor Paul Holt Jo Josi Holt who help us so much with the website and with their love and prayers! I was able to have supper with Paul and Jo yesterday on the way back from Reserve.

Life Verse for Founding Pastor Dewey Moede:
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

These stats do not include Church services, Revivals, counseling services and the many more who have been served through all of our other services. I have been asked if we are ever going to go back on TV. God has not shown that to us as at this time. 

Discernment is so very important in making decisions, like we make everyday in our family and ministry……here is a bit of what I preached on yesterday at FBC in Reserve…….

Please read the scripture I have included here
We live in a fast-paced culture that demands instant results. For many people, waiting is just plain miserable. But God’s way of maturing us in our faith is different from how the world works. The character qualities He values take time to develop.
To me discernment is a precocious gift, we clearly learn what is good and what is evil. In this very troubled world, it is so very important to stay close to God. He will guide you. I fear being away from Him.
I become very uneasy when I am starting to go down ther wrong road….The Lord is protecting me from a mistake. I have learned to pay attention. I also get that same feeling when
confronted by something or someone when the Lord wants me to be extra careful. I had that happen to me the other day when I called the number listed for technical assistance for a company
we use at the ministry. In just a few seconds the Lord was making me uncomfortable, something was not right.  The call came to an end when he wanted the three digits on the back of my bank card. The number I called was not the real customer service number even thou it said so on the internet. The number was being used by con artists. The Lord gave me discernment to end the call.
As I counsel people, one of the most asked questions is, “How do I know if I am doing the right thing?”
I share with them that through a mature relationship with God he will let you know. It is a beautiful thing to have the Lord guide you every step of your life. I know, it is such a precious gift.
This same process occurred to me when I became very uncomfortable in my job as a radio station manager, the Lord was telling me to quit and move into full-time ministry, but I dragged my feet. Things that were simple for me to do became hard, because I was not doing what the Lord had established for me and Sharon, full-time ministry at FGGAM. I was not doing the Will of God. God was telling me to move, but I was stubborn, I wanted the pay check and stability of the radio business. I finally made the move, its been almost 6 years now and I look back in AWE of what God has done with the ministry and the maturing that He has done with me. This experience has made me a better man of God. I went from, $85,000 a year to zero, but God has provided. Sharon did not blink an eye when I told her God wanted me out of radio and into full-time ministry it has made our marriage even stronger! She is the backbone of the ministry.
Our challenge for today and every day is to make it a priority to spend time with the Lord in His Word. We may have to reorganize our schedule or wake up earlier. But it’s well worth the effort—discernment and wisdom await us if we put into practice the truths we absorb daily.
In big and small things He is always there for us. He is our Almighty God.
What you just read  is part of our faith statement, we see once again God can take nothing and make it so very AWESOME! He started FGGAM.

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