A Life-Changing Prayer


April 08, 2018

A Life-Changing Prayer

Colossians 1:1-9

When the apostle Paul wrote to the believers at Colossae, his letter included a life-changing prayer that is still impactful all these centuries later. It remains powerful because every request is in agreement with God’s will.

The first petition is for the Colossians to know the Lord’s desires. In order to please God, we must comprehend what His plans are and help carry them out. These include such things as loving God and our neighbors as well as His specific purposes for each believer’s life (Luke 10:27; Eph. 2:10).

Paul’s second request is for God to give spiritual wisdom and understanding with regard to such knowledge. He knew that to apply what we learn, we need the insight and clarity that can come only from the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). The result of these two petitions will be the ability to see better from God’s viewpoint. We’ll perceive our choices and situations as they really are, not just as they appear to be.

Another wonderful thing about these requests is that we can make them for those who do not trust in the Savior. Our Father offers salvation to all who believe in Christ. It is not His desire for any to perish (2 Peter 3:9). If unbelievers know God’s will, their minds could be opened to His offer of forgiveness, and they might accept the sacrifice Jesus made.

God’s Word says that those who pray in agreement with His purposes will receive what they ask. That’s why it is important to start by discovering what His plans are. Try incorporating scriptural prayers—like the one from today’s passage—into your conversations with the Lord.

Bible in One Year: 2 Samuel 13-14

e-Book Persevering Through Trials

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