Good Morning God, Good Morning Beautiful People…


Good Morning God, Good Morning Beautiful People…


Good morning beautiful people. What a beautiful day to celebrate. Every day is a celebration as we live and breathe in Christ. Last evening we celebrated my grandson Jaxson’s third birthday. What a celebration it was. Let’s thank God for every breath we take. Let’s thank Him for journeying life with us.

Father, good morning. Thank you for life. Thank you that you know every hair on our head and how many breaths we will take. Every moment we are awake our thoughts are towards you and the plan for our lives. We want every day, every moment to bring glory to your name, oh God.

Your love for us is amazing. You bless us everyday without measure. Our soul is satisfied with the richness of your Word. Lead us beside still waters today and may we drink from your cup that never runs dry.

We celebrate every day just like it is our birthday all over again. You gave us this day to journey life and celebrate with you. An incredible opportunity to seize every moment, every breath and make a difference in our world.

Thank you for divine appointments today, oh God. Thank you for joy. Romans 14:17 tells us the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Thank you for filling us full to overflowing every morning as we live our lives in Christ. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Celebrate your day!

For in Him with live, and move, and have our being. Acts 17:28


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