Good Morning Beautiful People… Pray, International Women’s Day


Good Morning Beautiful People… Pray, International Women’s Day

Good morning beautiful people. This morning my calendar reads International Women’s Day. I love to read about the different women in the Bible. I love to read about Deborah the judge and Queen Esther, who God used to save a nation. I will spend some time today to re-read about the different women in the Bible.

I like to reminisce about the mentors God has placed in my life. Just a few days ago I wore my t-shirt from the International Institute of Mentoring with Judy Jacobs. I smiled as I reread the words Not just an experience…But an Impartation. A picture of the world with those words empowered me to believe I would succeed.

I love to wear my t-shirt from the Threshing Floor Conference with Juanita Bynum. I will never forget how God Himself had drawn me to the Dome in Atlanta, Georgia. I love the scripture from James 5:16 underneath the picture of the woman on her knees praying. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (woman), availeth much.

I will think about all the different women God has placed in my life to empower me to push forward and never give up. My dear sisters, pastors, teachers, and friends. Happy International Women’s Day! Let’s Pray together:

Father, thank you for creating the women of this world. Thank you for the wombs you have given us for giving birth. Thank you for the highest calling of motherhood. Thank you for Mary, the mother of Jesus. Father, thank you that you created woman in your image and call us daughters of a King. Oh, how we love to pray to you, oh God.

Today, we join faith for every sister caught in Human Trafficking. Thank you for exposing the darkness over our nation(s). Just as Moses said to Pharaoh, let my people go, we join forces and faith and declare freedom for those trapped. God thank you for sending them hope and a way of escape.

Today, we thank you for justice for your women. You are a God of justice. We thank you that where there has been injustice, you bring healing and deliverance. Thank you for John 8:36 For whom the son sets free is free indeed. Thank you for the healing waters of Jesus Christ. Amen

To every beautiful woman today (yes you!) believe in the name of Jesus Christ and be saved. (Acts 16:31) He has a plan for your life. It’s gonna be great. (Jeremiah 29:11)


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