Cindy Mansfield is Honored by the New Mexico Broadcasters Association


We would like to pass along our love and congratulations to Cindy Mansfield! Cindy was honored by the New Mexico Broadcaster Association today! God Bless you Cindy for your sweet faithful service!


This from her hubby Pastor Richard A Mansfield:


My wife Cindy Mansfield received a plaque from the New Mexico Broadcasters Association for her 29 years of serving New Mexico in television with Trinity Broadcasting Network. I’m so proud and honored to be your husband!

From The New Mexico Broadcasters Association:

KNAT’s Cindy Mansfield is recognized for her 29 years of broadcasting at the station. The station, a long time affiliate of Trinity Broadcasting, is shutting its doors in Albuquerque. Mansfield told a group of broadcasters and community leaders that it’s been hard to leave a place she’s made such a long commitment to; but is looking forward to new challenges.

The NMBA wishes Cindy the best of luck and hopes to see her at another station soon.

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