Time To Say Yes…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Time To Say Yes…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9stI-pWEUQ?list=RDm9stI-pWEUQ&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for every person that said yes to your call. Today, we pray strength for them. It is sometimes difficult to step out. Today, we pray for courage, for strength for the journey. You will lead the way. We bind every spirit of fear and we release faith to arise in your people.

Father, we join our faith across this globe for more laborers. You said the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. (Matthew 9:37) Today, may many hear you calling once again and respond with their yes. 

You said not to worry about what we would say as the Holy Spirit will tell us what to say (Mark 11:13). Thank you that you loved us enough to die for us. May we be as passionate for you. Thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit through us to bring the healing balm of Gilead to the world and witness broken lives restored.

Oh, it is such a privilege to work in the Kingdom for such a time as this. May many today hear you calling them and say, yes. Yes, to the assignment you have placed in their hearts.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Just say yes to whatever He is calling you to do today. He will equip you. You are valuable in the Kingdom plan.


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