Good Morning Beautiful People…February Flames


Good Morning Beautiful People…February Flames

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Don’t you love the month of February? So many ways to show people you care, that you love them. It costs us nothing to be kind, gentle, loving and share from the overflow of our lives. It is true what is inside of us does come out.

Today, let’s start the love month off with thanking God for the grace He has extended to us. Let’s thank Him for His love that surrounds us, covers us and empowers us to do the impossible. Let’s all fly higher this month.

Father, thank you for your love. As we enter the first day of this month, take us higher in your love. Thank you for the many opportunities we will have today to shine for you. Thank you for unfolding the plan you have for our lives before the foundations of the earth. (Psalm 139) Thank you for destiny.

Father, thank you for removing scales off of our eyes so that we can see clearly. Don’t let us settle God for just knowing you. There is no time for selfish ambition. Strip away God whatever is in our lives until our heart reflects yours, we pray. We give you permission to dig deeper in our hearts until the purity you desire is our overflow.

Your heart is that none should perish. (John 3:16) Flame our hearts deeper, oh God, that we will go tell of the grace, the love, the mercy that you have extended for mankind. Turn up the heat this month God. Thank you for this awakening in our nation and to the nations. To you, oh God, we give all the glory.

Oh, how we love your love message. It is not by might nor by power but by your spirit. Thank you for pouring your spirit out on our land. May we be found faithful stewards to freely give what we have been given away. Burn spirit burn. Oh, the power of your love.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. This is no ordinary day. You are on assignment by God Himself, the lover of mankind’s soul.


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