We are getting many calls about the schedule for the Harvest of Hope Revival in Edgewood this Saturday. By popular request and the help of Kelly Snelgrove here you go! Come anytime! Pray for us! Come as you are! Please bring your family and friends! This is a non-denominational event for our LORD! To bring Glory to God! To revive our hearts greater than ever! Amen!

9:00 AM Open – National Anthem Sung by Diane Nolen and Prayer by Pastor Dewey Moede
Immediately Following: Worship with Chuck Archibeck & Friends
9:35 AM Pastor Dewey Moede
10:00 AM Gary Archibeck & Friends
10:30 AM Speaker Shonda Savage
11:00 AM Gary Archibeck & Friends
11:30 AM Pastor Tony Jaramillo
12:00 PM Pastor Dewey Moede – Prayer/Begin Serving Lunch
12:15 PM Forever Pardoned
12:45 PM Pastor Dewey Moede & Pastor Ricky Gordon
1:15 PM Forever Pardoned
1:45 PM Speaker Shonda Savage
2:15 PM Forever Pardoned
2:45 PM Pastor Dewey Moede
3:15 PM Pastor Tony Jaramillo
3:45 PM Pastor Mark Grothe & Hip Hop Revival
5:15 PM Pastor Caleb Cooper & New Hope Revival Worship Band
6:30 PM Pastor Dewey Moede/ Pastor Ricky Gordon – Altar Call/Prayer/Testimony
7:00 PM Close