His Love Is Agape, Yes It Is…Agape! Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


His Love Is Agape, Yes It Is…Agape!

Yesterday, I received a call from a friend and at the last moment we traveled the one hour north to the Agape Christian Fellowship for an incredible service in Fort Kent, Maine. The worship was over the top, the preaching was anointed and oh, how blessed I was. Liquid love is the atmosphere and I seated beside a woman and her husband that I had never met before. After the service this dear woman’s  husband said when he saw me a song came to his mind. With tears in his eyes he told me some of the words to this song, I am so glad to be a part of the family of God. It touched my heart.

On my way out another dear couple felt to give me a love letter from Jesus. My uncle Calvin invited us for lunch to the Allagash as he and Laura went on ahead to prepare. I was so blessed.

I was born in Fort Kent, Maine and it was a privilege to greet the people and pray a blessing over them.  Pastor Matt Carpenter brought the message I Am Blessed. On the screen, I saw a picture that said too blessed to be stressed.  Don’t you just love that? We truly are a blessed people.

I visited the graveside of my parents and took some pictures once again and thanked them for my life. Oh, memories kept filling my mind from the time I entered the church in Fort Kent, Maine and as we made our way to the Allagash. The picture of me by the mercy seat, the picture of the woman from Thailand and myself taken by the liberty bell at the University of Maine Fort Kent. My interview with Brian Lake Keepers Of The Flame Ministries at the Passion For His Presence Conference a few years ago. Brian’s newest book Open Doors,  the man that I prayed with that told me he was on five television stations in India at that conference. I prayed and declared freedom for those women that day. Oh, the memories were coming back fast today.

We stopped to visit a friend and she put a shawl over my shoulders from Joan Hunter Ministries that read Miracles Happen. Oh yes, they sure do. Thank you Father God for Your agape love. Laura put her shawl around my shoulders too that read the same Miracles Happen.

I prayed with a gentleman I had never met before as he allowed me the opportunity to pray in a closed church. It has always been my desire to speak in that church. Lord thank you for open doors.

Let’s pray and join our faith together.

Father, thank you for your love. Thank you God for open doors. From Allagash, Maine to every place on planet earth, we say no more. No more closed doors on our churches. We declare open doors. We declare harvest time. We declare revival, we declare awakening.

Oh God, you love people. Forgive us God for making our churches about programs. Holy Spirit lead us in the days ahead and ignite the fire. Amen

Oh, it’s going to be a bright, sunny day. Yes, yes it is…

Have a blessed day beautiful people. His love is agape.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-2QpbaBbFc&w=560&h=315]


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