No Barriers, It’s All Of Us Together…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


No Barriers, It’s All Of Us Together…


This morning as I was praying for one of my prayer partners daughters (she is on the other side of the world), I couldn’t help but think of the scripture in Ephesians 6 Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit being watchful to this end with all perseverance for all the saints.

Father, thank you for the body of Christ. Every person loved by their creator following the path you have laid before them. Help us to come together God and tear down our differences. In your kingdom, there is no room for barriers. Denominational barriers, cultural barriers, racial barriers or barriers of any type, we pull you down across this globe in the powerful name of Jesus. Our God is a God of love. Oh, the Father’s love. May love abound in the hearts and lives of Your people throughout the world today. Overflow our hearts with love for your people God.  

From Presque Isle, Maine to every place on planet earth, hear the Word of the Lord. Our God Reins. As we come together in unity the Lord will continue to pour out His spirit. For wherever there is unity He commands a blessing. (Psalm 133:1)

Thank you God, for moving by your spirit today. Thank you for pouring out your spirit on our regions and to the nations. I hear the sound of overflow. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Give some of that love away today.


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