Are You Looking For Answers? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


Are You Looking For Answers? 

Good morning beautiful people. This morning I was inquiring of the Lord about some future steps. I always want to be sure He is the man steering the ship I am on. I see, I hear I sense, and I feel the many needs around this globe. Even my best efforts could only make a dent in the need, but with God all things are possible.

Man has opinions, counselors have counsel and I would like to believe most people want to make a difference in the world today. Without Jesus that is just impossible.

He is God and He loves you beautiful people. He has your answer. Ask Him today, communicate (pray) with the man that knows the number of hairs on your head. (Luke 12:7) One thing I know for sure, He holds mine and your tomorrows.
Father, thank you that Jesus truly is the answer for the world today. It is so true, there is no other. Jesus you know the very next step before I even take it, it was predestined before the foundations of the earth (Psalm 139:16). Thank you for answering Your people’s prayers today as well as my own as together we call upon You. We join our faith together all across this globe this morning and petition You and thank You for the answer. Amen 

Enjoy your day, be blessed and thank the Lord for your answer. He has it! 


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