God, What Shall I Do? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


God, What Shall I Do?

I have been reading the book once again Ever Increasing Faith by Smith Wigglesworth. This book always brings me back to the same question God, what shall I do?

No matter the questions we have, no matter the direction our lives are going-God always has a plan. Today, let’s keep it simple and write down a few things we have been trying to figure out. Let’s ask Him what we should do?

Faith says we can do the impossible. By faith we are saved. We have faith in God’s promise. Faith says we can take God at His Word.

Father, thank you for hearing when we call. Thank you God for journeying every day with us. You are a good, good Father. Lord, what shall I do about this situation? (give him your concerns or questions)

One Word from You changes everything God. Today, Lord let me hear what I should do and I will obey. (Will you?)

We thank you for the faith to step out, the faith to jump in, the faith to bring the impossible to reality. We give You thanks. You are a good, good Father. Amen

Have A Blessed day Beautiful People. Have faith in what He tells you to do.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPQgMj1ahv8&w=560&h=315]

Jesus answered, “It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”




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