What Is Your Assignment In 2017? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Expand Your God Assignment In 2017…

This is the time of year we are looking at our goals, dreams, God assignments, future plans etc. This year is a year of change. I really didn’t think I struggled with this issue as much as I do, but I had to confess, I do.

Change is good, knowledge is good, people are good and God is good. As we step into this year of change, what are some things that need changing in our lives?

At times I have found things hidden in my heart, I had no idea were still there. Today, I wanted to encourage us all- to let it all go. It’s a new year, a time of new beginnings and we are moving on. We are on assignment, God assignment. Any residue of fear-get out, Now!

One of my prayer partners and I pray for Reggie Littlejohn just about every day. I met Reggie at the United Nations. Reggie is fighting against forced abortion, gendercide and sexual slavery in China. She is making a difference. I ask God himself to help her, to guide her, to protect her and to use her to bring about change in that arena. 

Just recently we prayed for a Nigerian Customs officer that was kidnapped. We joined forces here at this ministry with others across this globe and prayed. Praise God she was released.

I have been quite focused on the United States for some time. I must tell you it’s time to expand our borders, enlarge our territories and our visions. Is God limitless or is He not? Is He over the whole earth-or Not?

Psalm 24:1 says The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. It’s time to expand our vision, our territories and let’s make a difference on the whole earth.

Father, we thank you for the world. The whole earth is the Lord’s and we are going to stand together. Today, we pray the prayer of Jabez from 1 Chronicles 4:10. Oh, that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, and that I might not cause pain.

Today God, we ask you to enlarge our visions, our dreams and raise us up oh Lord, to stand on mountains. We stand together united as Christians (not denominations) to bring change to Your earth.

We know there is power in prayer. We know the prayer of agreement. You are all powerful. Thank you today Father, for change on the earth. Give us God assignments and hearts full of love and courage for what you have created. You are a good God.

We join our faith across this globe for Reggie Littlejohn today God and the work she is doing in China. Thank you for blessing the work of her hands. Show yourself strong through her ministry Womens Rights Without Frontiers. Thank you for the difference you are making on the earth today through her.

We join our faith today for Healing Waters Women’s Ministries in which I founded. God for every woman that has suffered the aftermath of such a horrific procedure, will you bring them to the Healing Waters and make them whole again, as only you can. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Prayer and action is the key. The nations are calling.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2swbIAQZX0&w=560&h=315]







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