UPDATED on May 8th, 2018:
I just got off the phone with Nancy Meyer, wife of Coach Ron Meyer. Coach Meyer passed away last night at the age of 73. Now I know why I was awaken with a heavy and sad feeling.
Coach Meyer is a hero of mine. He taught school and was head coach of the football team in my hometown of Windom, Minnesota, the Windom Eagles! I was blessed to be his student manager for the football team. Coach Meyer gave me my first job, other than newspaper routes, mowing lawns and blowing snow. I was hired by the coach to be locker room attendant for all sports. I made $1.17 an hour.
Coach Meyer trusted me with his car and the keys to the equipment room. A trust that I never will forget. I have always in my life tried to give people a chance, trust them with the keys to the kingdom, so to speak.
I learned so many lessons from Coach Meyer, I carry with them to this day as a Pastor. I am so ever grateful to Ron.
At the senior athletic banquet Coach Meyer introduced me as “Ron Meyer Jr.”
I told Nancy, that Ron was one of the nicest guys I have ever met! I made her laugh when I told her that even though me and the Coach were friends, he did not play favorites, as he gave me a D in health! LOL!
Yes, Windom lost a legend last night, but Heaven gained a Saint!
God Bless the memory of Ron Meyer!
Please pray for Nancy and the family, we pray for peace, comfort and strength, in JESUS Almighty name, Amen!
A post I wrote in Jan. of 2017………
You never forget people who have been an important part of your life! At least I don’t! My Dad and Mom always taught me to be grateful! Amen! Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Ron and Nancy Meyer of Windom, Minnesota! Ron was head coach of the Windom High School football team for years! I served as his student manager/equipment manager from my sophomore year to senior year, 1972-1974. Coach Meyer trusted me with his car, keys to the locker room and equipment room. He showed me what trust and responsibility are all about. Ron graduated from Wells High School in Wells, Minnesota. He was an awesome quarterback, being drafted by the Bears and then was with the Pittsburgh Steelers taxi squad. I wonder who Coach Meyer and Nancy will be cheering for in Sunday’s game? Nancy and Ron made a difference in Windom, by serving with dedication, hard work, dedication, honesty and loyalty.
I will never forget the Athletic Banquet my senior year. Coach Meyer introduced me as “Ron Meyer Jr.” as he said I was by his side assisting him for 3 years. The respect that Coach Meyer showed me has impacted my life, to respect the lives of everyone. You never know what they have been through or are going through. That is why my Dad always loved driving the team bus for Coach Meyer’s teams, the respect Ron would show him and the other drivers was outstanding. I would also notice the respect Ron would have for all that worked at the school, custodians, the laundry team, etc…. It was not the size of your pocket book that gained you Ron’s respect, it was that you were another human being.
I love following their son Chet on Facebook, because I can see from time to time what Ron and Nancy are up to! Well, they are up to 50 beautiful years of marriage! PTL! Such a Godly marriage, a great testimony to us all! Amen!
Ephesians 5:25: “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” … He who loves his wife loves himself.
The picture of Ron and Nancy are from Chet’s Facebook, their wedding picture and then with their grandson Josh.
It is wonderful to report GOOD NEWS! AMEN!