This report is not surprising, as once again New Mexico is at the bottom in education quality. You see, as I have stated for years this is not a political problem, it is a Jesus problem. Both the Democrats and Republicans have failed big time on this issue. I have many friends that are school teachers in this state. I also have many friends that have taught school in New Mexico that are now retired. They all say the same thing, “It starts at home!” Satan has torn apart the American family, through divorce, sex, pornography drugs, booze, gangs, greed, casinos, unemployment, etc….these are heart issues, JESUS is needed in homes and in our schools, HIS WAYS not our ways! Amen! Our ways have failed and will continue to fail. JESUS is the answer, not politics and money. Biblical principles need to be followed by us all in every aspect of our lives.   ABQ Journal Report

Nothing will change unless Jesus is first!

It is not the fault of our teachers!

I have lived in New Mexico since 1995, education in the state has always been at the bottom, whether its the Democrats or Republicans that rule. JESUS NEEDS TO RULE OVER OUR LIVES! AMEN! Jesus needs to guide us in everything we do. The Ten Commandments should be posted in every Church, home, school, business, government offices…..Why do so many Churches NOT post the Ten Commandments?

We have the Ten Commandments posted here at FGGAM to remind us what is important!

I mean this with all my heart and soul, JESUS is the answer for everything and I will preach that until the day I die!

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