Here we go, Friends….please read through the information I just received from Dauneen Dulce. Let’s get ready to fight for LIFE!
“Yesterday marked 44 years since the Roe v. Wade ruling. Millions of babies had their lives sacrificed because of that ruling. Even though the numbers are going down each year, abortion is still an atrocity, has moved into infanticide with doctors killing live babies after they are born. Yet there is great hope for abortion to be eliminated legally in the years to come. Today, President Donald Trump made an executive order to defund Planned Parenthood. This is a beginning of the actions that will take place to ultimately rid our nation of court sanctioned abortion. We must stop infanticide too.
HB37- The Born Alive Protection Act has been assigned to 2 committees: Consumer and Public Affairs and the Judiciary Committee. This bill will make it illegal to ignore or to kill a new baby that has been delivered from its mother. This is being done across the nation and even at the University of New Mexico. RTLCNM SUPPORTS HB 37 SPONSORED BY REP. ROD MONTOYA. Unfortunately the culture of death that deals with the end of our life is supported by many, even those who oppose abortion. They don’t see that having such a bill become legal will encourage those who are vulnerable to depression, fear, and concern of autonomy and expenses. People who are old, chronically ill, disabled will be pressured to “die with dignity.” This is not love, compassion or caring. It is destructive!
HB 171 CALLED END OF LIFE OPTIONS AND SPONSORED BY SEN. BILL MCCAMLEY AND REP. DEBORAH ARMSTRONG HAS BEEN INTRODUCED INTO THE HOUSE AND ASSIGNED TO HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AND THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. RTLCNM OPPOSES THIS LEGISLATION. I am asking each and every one of you reading this email to write, call or e-mail your legislator immediately and ask them SUPPORT HB 37 and to OPPOSE HB 171. For talking points look at the attached flyers. We have also attached the information on the legislators. To write them: Send it to the New Mexico State Legislature, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501. Their e-mail is at the bottom of their name on the sheet. To call: Call 505-986-4300 and ask for the room of your legislator and give the secretary the information and ask for a response.
The Bill even allows a nurse practitioner and others to give a prescription to a person for the purpose of killing themselves. They are not in the position to diagnose or to be able to tell someone they are terminally ill. The language is terrible and written in a manner that much interpretation can be made by those who would be in position to help kill someone. So while the national news is very good, we in New Mexico must do our part to stop those who want to use death as a solution to those “unwanted” by some in our society. In gratefulness for our lives, please do your part now – this is a team effort, this is being pro-life.”
Thank you, Dauneen and Thank You, my Friends for working together with us!Dan and Laura
New Mexico Watchman By Jose Vasquez
New Mexico Legislative Session 2017
January 24, 2017
New Mexico’s political season has begun with the swearing in of the 53rd New Mexico State Legislature and Governor Susan Martinez’s sixth State-of-the-State address. The major concern of this legislative session will be New Mexico’s $65 million budget shortfall. As the debate on how and when to manage the budget emerges, ethical and moral issues will also be at the forefront of the session.
Please pray for the 2017 New Mexico State Legislative Session. We inform you of the progress of the following legislative concerns:
Bills We Will Follow:
Three bills will be of interest to the Christian community this legislative session: infants born alive following a failed abortion, legally assisting the termination of the life of the infirm and elderly and the legalization of marijuana.
Born Alive Infant Protection Act: House Bill 37, Rep. Rod Montoya (R-Farmington) Rep. Montoya’s bill requires that any child born alive receives medical care and that the child is to be reported as a live birth. The bill is slated to stop infanticide following a failed abortion.
End of Life Options Act: House Bill 171, Rep. Deborah Armstrong (D-Albuquerque) and Rep. Bill McCamley (D-Mesilla Park)
Following the New Mexico Supreme Court’s failure to find Physician-Assisted-Suicide constitutional, the State Legislature has now stepped in to make the act legal. House Bill 171 removes all criminal liability for physicians who assist patients in killing themselves.
Cannabis Revenue and Freedom Act: House Bill 89, Rep. Bill McCamley (D-Mesilla Park) and Rep. Javier Martinez (D-Albuquerque) House Bill 89 legalizes marijuana in the state, establishes an oversight board, restricts possession amounts and taxes sales.
God bless our legislators, their deliberations and the may the laws be of His righteousness.
New Mexico Watchman
Dear Everyone,
See the information below and take action as needed.
We no longer can be silent while the culture of death is growing. It started first with the innocent unborn babies and now we are killing those who survive an abortion. This is called infanticide, being practiced in NM, and we must protect these new living, breathing, innocent human beings.
Also, assisted suicide is now being proposed across our nation and a bill is in the New Mexico Legislature about it. HB 171 is the bill being presented to be able to seduce, push innocent, vulnerable older people, people with disabilities and many other people with chronic conditions.
We oppose it. If each of us doesn’t fight for or oppose legislation that protect human lives or destroys it, who will?
We need action NOW.
Dauneen Dolce
Executive Director
2413 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A
Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164
Phone: 505-881-4563