We Are All Needy… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


We Are All Needy… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TKAN-nAsu8&w=560&h=315]

Every life has a journey. Some folks I know are going through the most difficult seasons of their lives. Some folks I know are going through the best years of their lives. Some are trusting God for healing for their lives. Some need finances, jobs, some need vehicles, some need peace in their lives.

Whatever the need, look in the Holy Scriptures today and find the answer to life’s complex journey. One thing for sure we will all come to the crossroad of decision. We are all needy, needy of His mercy and grace.

I love the scripture in Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Fear can hit us in an instant, but trusting in the person that journeys life with us, can bring peace. Sometimes, I get hit with fear over the smallest things. Then I need a bit to renew my mind with these Holy Scriptures.  I meditate on His Word, believe it and it turns my fears into faith. What else can, who else can do that for you? Only God and His Word.

You may own a lot of things, you may be wealthy, you may own nothing, but believe me when I tell you, the greatest wealth you will ever own is the Holy Scriptures and journeying life with Him.

Let’s pray:

Father, forgive us when we put our trust in everything and everybody but you. You are a good Father. No matter what life’s journey may bring us, may we always look to you for the answer. Some put their trust in chariots, some in horses, but we will put our trust in you. (Psalm 20:7)

Today, all across this globe we thank you for the strength for the journey. Thank you for breaking the fears of life off of us, as we meditate on your Word. You sent Your Word and healeth thee. Psalm 107:20  Amen. 

Have a blessed day beautiful people. This is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.





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