The Word of God is Active


Let us continue our series, “”Filled Up, Not Fed Up”! Please read Hebrews 4:12-13. The Word of God is active.The word “Active” is translated to mean: Effective, productive, at work. I love the fact that “Active” is included in the description of God’s Word! As i said last week, there are no coincidences in the Bible! Everything is recorded specifically as God intended and for a purpose! The Word of God is EFFECTIVE! The Word of God is PRODUCTIVE! The Word of God is AT WORK! AMEN!

Chuck Swindoll once stated: “News articles may inform us. Novels may inspire us. Poetry may enrapture us. But only the living, active Word of God can transform us.”

All of us have seen evidence of this! Amen!

Please now listenDewey life verse to my podcast, God Bless you and yours!

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