Oh, So Much To Be Thankful For…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Oh, So Much To Be Thankful For…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAo2iZ9vWHg&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for all you have done for us. Today, we start by thanking you first. Thank you for being involved in our daily lives. Help us to see you working in us, through us and around us, oh God. Thank you for the price you paid.

Thank you for family, friends, places to live, food to eat and the list seems endless. You are a good Father and we are blessed to journey life with you.

Today, may love abound in the hearts and lives of your people. May we all count our  blessings, for we are rich. Being rich isn’t always about money, but what we have in You. I pray today Lord that many would come to know you. Draw them by your spirit we pray. Amen

Have a Happy Thanksgiving beautiful people, be blessed. 


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