Media Myths and The Trump Transition Team


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

To: Friends & Supporters

From: Gary L. Bauer

Fighting The Left-wing Smear Machine

Yesterday, I wrote at length about the left’s attempt to smear former Breitbart CEO and top Trump strategist Steve Bannon. It is nothing more than a pre-emptive strike against those in the new administration who will most aggressively fight the left’s agenda.

I am pleased to report that our friends at Breitbart have posted my remarks in their entirety. If you missed my comments yesterday, you can read them here online. And please share this link with friends and family members who may be confused by the left’s hysterics.

More Media Myths

You may remember the New York Times. By that I mean the paper that used to decide what news was in America. “The paper of record” as it was often called, not the left-wing propaganda sheet it is today.

In the aftermath of the election that left big media stunned, the editors vowed to “rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor.”

Well, that didn’t last long. Just consider today’s headline: “Firings and Discord Put Trump Transition Team in a State of Disarray.”

My friends, the Trump transition team is not in disarray. Having been part of the Reagan transition, I can tell you there are a lot of moving pieces, especially when someone like Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump is coming in who wants to turn the city upside down.

Obviously, if Hillary Clinton had been elected, the transition would have been smoother. To begin with, Clinton (just like the New York Times) assumed that she was going to win, so she already had her cabinet picked. Two months ago, the Huffington Post introduced us to Hillary’s policy team, which was “writing the future of America.”

But Hillary was also continuing Obama’s policies, so she wasn’t planning for major change, which as we now know, the voters demanded.

Only 8 Days?

We should all take a moment today to recall what was happening just a little over a week ago. Heading into the final weekend before the election, Hillary Clinton was deploying a formidable army of surrogates in her march to the White House.

President Barack Obama was doing an unprecedented level of campaigning for a sitting president. First Lady Michelle Obama was being sent to fire up black voters. Former President Bill Clinton, who has always been more popular than his wife, was on the trail in key battle ground states. Vice President Joe Biden did his part too.

There were huge concerts with popular entertainers such as Bruce Springsteen, Katy Perry, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga and Jon Bon Jovi. At many of these events, there were voter registration booths and in some cases opportunities for early voting.

Meanwhile, the Trump/Pence campaign had only a handful of surrogates — mainly Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani. Donald Trump and Mike Pence were working 20-hour days, exploiting time zones so they could do five events a day.

In the days leading up to the election, virtually every talking head began their analysis saying, “Trump may have big crowds, but he has no ground game.” A favorite phrase was, “It’s the [Clinton] machine versus momentum, and the machine always wins.”

Almost every poll had converged with the same result — Hillary Clinton’s margin of victory would be somewhere between four and seven points. On Election Day itself, Nate Silver, a celebrated left-wing statistician, moved Florida and North Carolina into Hillary’s column and called the election for Clinton.

Twelve hours later, swing state after swing state was falling to Donald Trump.

All those people who kept telling us that the election was over and that Trump had no chance are now telling you that his transition is terrible, his supporters are know-nothings and college students just can’t go on with life.

In the days leading up to Inauguration Day, ignore the left-wing media. Stay calm and carry on.

Speaking of the Trump transition team, Senator Ted Cruz stopped by Trump Tower yesterday. Washington is buzzing with reports that Cruz may be under consideration for Attorney General.

Anti-Semitism On The Rise

After the FBI released its most recent report on hate crimes this week, CNN ran this headline — “FBI: Hate Crimes Spike, Most Sharply Against Muslims.” The article began by stating that hate crimes are up “with Muslims most often targeted.”

CNN reached this conclusion by comparing the number of anti-Islamic hate crimes committed in 2014 to those committed in 2015. It found that there was a 67% increase in anti-Islamic hate crimes. Of course, the article went on to blame Donald Trump. Nine paragraphs in, CNN admitted that anti-Semitic hate crimes were also up nine percent.

But you have to go to the source, the FBI report itself, to learn this startling fact: Of the 1,354 hate crimes motivated by religious bias, 51% were anti-Jewish while just 22% were anti-Muslim.

In other words, CNN manipulated the news to hide the fact that anti-Jewish hate crimes far exceeded those committed against Muslims.

The Intolerant Left

Students are continuing to walk out of Washington, D.C., area schools. Local press reports showed many students carrying signs with Clinton slogans such as “Stronger Together” and “Love Trumps Hate.”

Unfortunately, for many leftists hate trumps love. Just hours ago, a 15 year-old boy wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat was attacked by four students and was taken to a nearby hospital.

Keep in mind, friends, that some schools won’t allow your children to wear American flag shirts because they may offend certain students.

The left has also launched an organized effort to intimidate the men and women who serve in the Electoral College. Many states do not have laws binding the votes of electors based on the state’s Election Day results. In addition, contact information for the electors is publicly available.

So, left-wing activists who are refusing to accept the results are deluging Trump electors with vile messages demanding they ignore the will of the people in their states.

One elector from Idaho said that she wasn’t hearing from people in her own state, but from angry liberals in Oregon, New York, California and Massachusetts. Another said, “They attack my religion, they attack my politics, they tell me that I must be a terrible father, I must be a terrible American, they use foul language — every swear word.”

Again, I have to ask: When will Obama and Clinton tell their supporters to stop committing acts of violence and hate crimes?

* * * * *

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