Good Morning Beautiful People…Please Join Your faith


Good Morning Beautiful People…

I am asking you to join your faith with mine for my dear sister Mary Shepherd. She lives in Dallas, Texas.  She has three main arteries to her heart that are blocked. In addition, her kidney’s aren’t functioning properly. She needs a God intervention.

Mary made the transition from Maine to Texas after she married. I was a year old at the time. I had the privilege to visit her and her family a few years ago when I attended the Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference with Bishop T.D. Jakes in Dallas. Her family treated me like a queen. They drove me to every meeting. We stayed up late sharing laughs, etc. about our unique family tree. (no worries, all good) She thought Dallas would be a great place for me to re-locate to. Somehow, she didn’t convince me.

Thank you for joining faith all across this globe today and let’s declare God’s Word over her. I continue to pray one of my favorite scriptures  over her -Psalm 107:20. She needs a turn around day in her health. She needs a God intervention.

Father, thank you for wisdom for the Doctors that will provide the care to her. I am not afraid to ask you for a miracle. I have seen you do it many times. Today, I join my faith with everyone that will join faith with me and declare today will be a turn around day for Mary. What is impossible with man is possible with God. You said in your Word to ask and we are asking (praying), believing and receiving.

You are an on time God. Lord, thank you for a miracle. We will give you all the praise, honor and glory. Amen



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