CEF of New Mexico: Help Wanted


Help Wanted:

I want to begin by saying thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read this small article. It is in essence a “help wanted” article. My name is Alan Wimbish and I am the New Mexico State Director for Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). CEF is the world largest children’s ministry organization; in 200 countries and all 50 states. I am not recruiting workers. I am looking for the people that God is already speaking to about winning boys and girls to faith in Jesus Christ. I am looking for Christian men and women who already recognize the need and the urgency of evangelizing children with the Gospel. I am not a salesman so I am not going to sale you on sharing the Gospel with children. I only want to speak to the people whom God is already speaking to.

Have you wondering how you can effectively share the Gospel with children in your church and neighborhood? Have you ever wondered how you can lead a child to Christ? Maybe you have led a child to Christ in the past and want to know how you can get in front of more children to share the Gospel and see more children come to faith in Jesus. CEF is here to help you do that. We have the training, the material, and the access to children everywhere INCLUDING access to the public school system. Do you want to change this state and eventually this country for Christ? Do you want to see children come to faith in Jesus and begin to see a generation that calls out to God once again? It can only happen by reaching the children with the Gospel. CEF is here to partner with you to do that. CEF has been reaching boys and girls with the Gospel in New Mexico since 1935. We have been partnering with others just like you to reach the children of this state for 81 years. I titled this article “Help Wanted” which usually means that an organization needs people to help fulfill its mission. But instead my “Help Wanted” is different. I want to help you fulfill God’s great commission to children. Children CAN be saved. Children ARE the most spiritually sensitive portion of our population. Remember this statistic: 85% of people who get saved do so between the ages of 4-14 (Pew Research). Doesn’t it make sense that we invest our resources and time into reaching this portion of the population? The children are there, the resources are here, all that is needed is…..you.

Alan Wimbish

State Director of CEF of New Mexico


Alan 2cefofnewmexico@gmail.com

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